Time Bandit to Time Architect: Your Guide to Owning Your Schedule

Reprogram Your Mind, Conquer Your Days

Saakshi Dewangan
Beyond Time
9 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

Let’s face it- building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. As entrepreneurs, we all know what it’s like to be stretched too thin. With overflowing emails, back-to-back meetings, and side projects that we keep spinning, it’s no wonder that sometimes we feel like we’re drowning. But what if the answer to survival and success were not about stuffing more activities into our days but instead mastering two critical skills: time management and programming your mind for success?

Think about it: You could be the master of your schedule, all the while shaping life to reflect genuinely the most important things. Honestly, more than ticking things off a list, but instead creating space for growing, learning, and becoming the best you.

This blog will guide you to mastering these skills and finally designing the life of your dreams. We’ll get straight to the action strategies you can put into play right now. So buckle in, entrepreneur, and let’s learn how to get this bull by the horns and get out the full potential in you!

The Time Creation Mindset: From Scarcity to Abundance

Step 1: Expose the Myth

We’ve been told to “manage” our time. In so doing, we set up feelings of scarcity: we are constantly wrestling with a finite resource — the clock. No wonder we feel stressed! You can’t control the clock, but you can control your actions within its framework.

Step 2: Become Your Own Time Architect

Rather than being a slave to the clock — feeling like a victim — consider yourself as a Time Architect. You are able to fill the days with activities that fuel your passion and drive you in the right direction. This shift empowers you to take charge and design a life that works for you.

Step 3: Track It Like a Boss

You have to know where time is currently going before you can create time. So, this is the fun part, or at least the exciting part: keep track of everything you do for a week. Every email. Every meeting. Even those “just checking social media for 5 minutes” moments. You may be surprised where hidden pockets of time are lurking. This isn’t really about guilt; it’s about gaining awareness so that you can make wise choices regarding how you spend your most valuable asset: your time.

Crafting Your Dream Week: From Vision to Reality

With your Time Creation Mindset and a clear view of what’s on your schedule today, it’s time to design your ideal week. This is when the magic happens — the architect of your life by design, creating a schedule that reflects your goals, values, and natural rhythms.

Step 1: Dream It Up!

Just close your eyes and envision that perfect day. When do you rise and shine? What activities are in the spotlight? How do you manage to find that harmony with work, personal growth, relationships, and the precious ‘me time’? And remember, this is something that one size does not fit all; it’s just a crafted vision that fuels your fire.

Step 2: Know Your Energy Flow

As you design your ideal day, think about your natural energy rhythm. Are you a lark or an owl? When are you at your brightest, most focused best? Frame your day around these rhythms to maximize productivity and fulfillment.

Step 3: Time Blocking — Your Secret Weapon

Time blocking is the ultimate weapon for bringing your dream day to life. Imagine your day as a blank canvas. Now, divide it into specific blocks and allocate dedicated activities. Here’s an example:

  • Morning Powerhouse (5 am — 12 pm): The time for self-care rituals and deep work projects that require maximum concentration.
  • Collaborative Cornerstone (12 pm — 6 pm): Brainstorming, meetings, team magic.
  • Unwind & Re-energize (6 pm — 10 pm): Time with family and friends, relaxation activities, preparation for tomorrow’s adventure.

Inside each block, schedule specific tasks and activities. The structure helps you focus and lets you politely turn down everything that wants to invade your day that’s not high on the list of priorities.

Ready to Take Control? Tracking your time for a week can be an eye-opening experience, but manually logging everything can feel tedious. Consider using an app like Beyond Time to streamline the process.

Beyond Time goes beyond simple time tracking — it allows you to categorize your activities, set goals, and visualize your time usage patterns. This visual representation can be incredibly insightful, helping you identify hidden pockets of time and make informed decisions about how to reclaim control of your schedule.

Making Your Dream Schedule a Reality: Communication is Key

It’s a masterpiece of productivity and personal fulfillment now that you have designed your ideal week. The only thing you have to do is communicate your needs and boundaries to make it work in the real world.

This may involve letting colleagues know that you are a “no meetings before noon” kind of person or explaining to your family that no interruptions during focused work time are critical. Clear communication sets expectations and avoids future conflicts. After all, a well-designed schedule is useless if no one knows about it!

Reprogramming Your Mind for Success

Creating time is only half the solution; how you operate within that time is the other half. Enter reprogramming your mental operating system.

Your brain is a kind of computer if you think about it. It works on software — the conglomeration of beliefs, patterns of thought, and habits you’ve built up over time in your life. Most of those programs were written into you without your conscious participation due to your upbringing and education or other life experiences.

Taking Responsibility for Your Mind’s Software

So, the good news is you are a programmer. You can always change and upgrade the software you wrote in your head. Identify the limiting beliefs, unproductive habits, and negative thought patterns and exchange them with more empowering alternatives.

Reboot Your Mental Operating System for Peak Performance

Just imagine that your brain is like some high-tech computer. It runs on software — a system, very complex, of beliefs, thought patterns, and habits — into which you were programmed throughout your life. Most programs weren’t installed by your choice or consciously; your experiences and environment shaped them.

The good news? You’re the system administrator! You can fine-tune and optimize this mental software for peak performance. Here’s how:

Diagnosis of the Existing Settings

Think of your mind as a collection of interconnected apps:

  • Belief System: This is your core programming — the fundamental truths you hold about yourself and the world.
  • Thought Patterns: It means how your brain has developed the habit of processing information.
  • Emotional Regulation: Emotional regulation can make or break your productivity.
  • Habit Forming: The ability to create and maintain habits that are good for you is essential for success.
  • Decision Making: Sharpen your decision-making ability always to choose what works best for you.
  • Focus & Attention: Mastering your focus helps you immerse into your work fully and not get distracted.
  • Learning & Growth: Your approach to acquiring new knowledge and skills fuels your long-term success.

It is easy to identify some room for improvement by systematically evaluating each of these “apps.”

Inner Harmony, Outer Success: The Magic of Being in Sync

As you become better at creating time and reprogramming your mind, great magic occurs before your very eyes: the alignment of your inner and outer worlds. In this place, the actual transformation happens.

From Chaos to Crafted Order

Many of us live in a state of “disorder by design”: our beliefs clash, habits contradict, and priorities are not aligned with each other. Designedly, you arrange your time and your mental programming so everything is in harmony and everything works conjointly to push you closer to your goals.

The Power of Aligned Action

Imagine a well-oiled machine, every part working in perfect sync. That is the power of alignment. If all your beliefs, thoughts, habits, and schedule for the day are aligned, you will feel the flow. Progress feels almost effortless. Small actions, done consistently, compound to bring exponential growth and achievements you never thought possible.

A Journey of Continuous Improvement

Remember, this alignment is not a one-time destination but a lifelong adventure. You will need to make sure that your perfect day and mental programming stay up to date as you grow and evolve in life. Just embrace it as a journey into continuous improvement and self-discovery. Live your life by continuously improving your inner and outer worlds; unleash your true potential and live the life you were destined to lead.

Making It Happen: Your Time Creation and Reprogramming Toolkit

Now that we’ve understood the general understanding of time creation and mental reprogramming let’s make it practical! Here is what to do — here’s an action plan:

Step 1: Time Audit — Unmasking Your Time Thieves (1 Week)

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? A time audit will reveal where you spend your time. Track your activities for a week, logging everything from emails to errands to that “just five more minutes” social media scroll. This awareness is the first step to taking control.

Step 2: Craft Your Ideal Schedule — Design Your Dream Day

Imagine your perfect day. What time do you wake up? What are you doing that gives you energy and purpose? Write everything down! This detailed vision will now act as your blueprint for your ideal schedule.

Step 3: Time Blocking — Building Your Time Fortress

Schedule your typical week based on your dream day, but in blocks, because these are blocks of your day, each with an appointed function. For maximum focus and minimum distraction.

Step 4: Mental Inventory — Identification of Limiting Beliefs

We all have beliefs that may limit us, all of us. Think about where you might be stuck. What sort of negative thinking or self-doubt is running in there? These are your limiting beliefs; these are what you set out to change with your mental reprogramming.

Step 5: Rewrite Your Code — Replacing Limiting Beliefs

Create new empowering beliefs to replace each limiting belief. For example, instead of “I am not good enough,” try “I am always learning and growing.” The latter suggests positive self-talk to help you change the wiring in your mental software.

Step 6: Habit Hack: Build Your Success Stack

Highlight 3–5 of the core habits that, applied daily, would best support your goals. Perhaps this is a morning meditation routine or some form of physical exercise. Start small and stack them one at a time for consistency, ultimately the most powerful way to develop your “habit stack” for success.

Step 7: Environment Matters: Setting Yourself Up for Wins

Adjust your physical environment to align with your new schedule and habits: turn off notifications during focused work blocks or create a dedicated workspace that is inspiring for productivity.

Step 8: Communication is Key — Setting Boundaries with Confidence

Let your colleagues, family, and friends know of your new schedule and needs — your ‘focus hours’ and the time you can collaborate. Setting boundaries can give you more power over your own time.

Step 9: Periodic Reviews — The Cycle of Never-Ending Improvement

Schedule weekly check-ins to see how you’re doing. Are the time blocks working? Have the new habits stuck so far? Celebrate your wins and make course corrections where needed because it’s all about tweaking. You will always be on this journey of refinement.

Step 10: Lifelong Learner — Fueling Your Growth Mindset

Set aside time in your week for learning and self-improvement. Read books, listen to podcasts, do online courses. Keep on investing in your knowledge and skill because it is the fuel for moving forward.

Conclusion: The Power to Create Your Dream Life Awaits

You have it within your potential to transform into your power of creating time, mental reprogramming, and living a flourishing life with purpose and fulfillment.

It’s never a destination but a journey that continues. Be patient with yourself; it is an unfolding. There may well be bumps in the road, but your unwavering commitment to progress is all that matters.

Just start where you are with what you have now. Make tiny changes in your daily actions to chip away at the self-sabotaging belief. In time, these minor shifts will aggregate into a significant change. You’ll begin experiencing time differently, accomplishing so much with so little effort, eventually leading to a profoundly satisfying life.

Remember, you are the architect of your own life, the programmer of your mind. Embrace this power and, with it, the responsibility. Every choice, every act, every new habit or belief shapes the person you are becoming. Opt to be the best version of yourself, the one you always dreamed of being.

This is now the time to master your time and mind. Are you ready to design and live the life you deserve?

