Time for Transformation: Unleash Your Inner Creator with Systems

The Efficiency Equation: Creation + Systems = Success

Saakshi Dewangan
Beyond Time
8 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Running a business can be so draining; the stacks of mind-numbing tasks never seem to end, while advancement just doesn’t look possible. But you can get out of this mess! Learn how to regain your time and energy with intelligent systems to help you finally crush your goals. Forget about “shaping your reality” — we’ll focus on practical tools and strategies to build a business that fuels your success, not drains you.

Level Up Your Life: Energy & Action

We all want to move up in life and get more done, but sometimes it feels like we’re drowning. The secret is not working harder but being energized to take action. In this guide, we will cover two key ideas:

  1. Energy Management: How to feel energized and focused throughout the day,
  2. Taking Action: The right strategies to move forward and achieve your goals.

Mastering these two aspects, you will be on the right track to solve life’s challenges and reach your full potential.

You Are in Control: Create Your Success

Entrepreneurs have the incredible power to create the business and life they want. We make choices daily that shape our reality. It might be that you get stuck because, probably, you only focus on the problems and have failed to create a solution to your problem. This guide will show you how to shift your focus to action. Let’s nail down small, achievable steps to take towards your goals. Every win, no matter how small, builds momentum and keeps you moving forward.

Recharge and Refocus: Your Energy Advantage

Listen, we all have a limited amount of energy each day. The trick to success is not trying to work more activity into our hours but working our energy wisely. That’s where systems and automation come in. Imagine repetitive tasks happening automatically, without you even having to think about them. This frees up your mental energy for the strategic work that really moves the needle in your business. We’ll explore tools and strategies to make your business work for you, not the other way around.

Turn on Your “Getting Things Done” Mode

It is time to drop the negative thinking and adapt to problem-solving. The following sections will walk you through how to develop a “creation mindset” — in other words, how you might view challenges as an opportunity to take action and make things happen. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Focus on what you can control: Don’t waste energy on stuff you can’t change. But, identify what you can do and tackle that.
  • Small wins = Big progress: Don’t wait for giant leaps. Do small, achievable steps every day. Those little wins add up and keep you moving forward.
  • View challenges as stepping stones: Obstacles are annoying, but at the same time, they’re an opportunity to learn and grow. Use them to build creative solutions.
  • Picture your success: Take time to visualize your goals. Visualizing it helps your brain concentrate on making it happen.
  • Accept the question mark: Don’t shy away from asking, “How can I solve this?” or “What can I learn?” Curiosity activates creativity and leads to new solutions.

By following these steps, you will master the “get things done” mindset that crushes your goals and keeps you moving forward in your business!!

Building Your Business on Autopilot: Powerful Systems & Automation

A “creation mindset” is excellent for getting started, but to stay productive in the long run, you need potent systems and automation. These are like well-oiled machines that handle repetitive tasks and free up your energy for the important stuff. Here’s your step-by-step to systematizing your business:

  • Find Your Pain Points: Identify the areas of your business that waste your time or tend to drain your energy constantly. This could be anything from scheduling meetings to managing finances.
  • Take Stock of What Works Now: Before overhauling everything, see what’s already working well. Are there existing processes you could leverage in your new systems?
  • Dream Big: Imagine the Ideal System. Close your eyes and picture your business running with everything going your way. What tools or habits do you need to make it happen?
  • Break It Down: Don’t try to change everything at once. Break your ideal system down into small, actionable steps. This makes it much easier to implement and less overwhelming.
  • Start Small, Scale Up: Just work with one or two changes at a time; when they become habits, add gradually.
  • Tech is Your Friend: Automate What You Can. There are loads of apps and tools that can help automate many of your mundane, repetitive tasks. That includes things like scheduling, communication, and even social media management.
  • Delegate When Possible: As your business grows, consider outsourcing tasks that someone else can handle. This frees you up to focus on the things that only you can do, like strategic planning or client relationships.
  • Be Ready to Flex: Business and needs will change in the long run, so be prepared to adapt and refine your system.

With these steps, you can create robust systems and automation to ensure your business runs smoothly. That way, it leaves your energy free to do more of what matters: growth and success.

How to Make Your Life Run Like Clockwork: Sample Creations & Systems

We’ve talked about a “creation” mindset and “systems” — now here’s how to put it into action in real life!

1. Conquering Slumps in Your Career

If your career feels stuck in a rut, this is how you create new possibilities:

  • Explore: Research dream careers and valuable new skills — network with people in your target industries to learn the ropes.
  • Set up job alert: For your ideal positions and create a template to reach out to potential connections. Use a CRM tool for keeping contacts and the follow-up process in order.

2. Take Your Health & Fitness to the Next Level

Ready to feel awesome? Here’s how to create a healthier you:

  • Set up SMART Goals: Start small and doable. Aim for 10-minute workouts, not a marathon, right from the get-go! Make easy, at-home recipes that are healthy.
  • Systematize Wellness: Meal prep to stop poor choices on the go. Create an at-home gym or dedicated workout space. Schedule your workouts in your calendar and use a fitness tracker to help stay motivated.

3. Master Your Money

Financial stress can be a real drag. Here’s how to create financial freedom:

  • Get Educated: Learn about personal finance and look for ideas to increase your income. Think about ways that you might start paring expenses that aren’t necessary.
  • Automate Your Finances: Set up automatic transfers to savings and investments. Use budgeting apps to track your spending. Schedule regular financial check-ins to review your progress and adjust your plan as needed — automate bill payments so you never miss a due date and incur late fees.

4. Boost Productivity

Overwhelmed? Here are some steps to implement a way to get things done:

  • Experiment: Find a productivity technique that works for you, like the Pomodoro method. Identify your peak energy times and schedule demanding tasks for those hours. Create an inspiring space to work.
  • Automate Your Workflow: Develop templates for repetitive tasks. Use project management tools to stay organized. Set up your email filters and auto-responders for ease. Create standardized processes for all the routine work, giving your mind room to think.

After all, you can make significant changes in any aspect of your life with the power of creation, intelligent systems, and automation. Remember, it’s all about taking action and building a system that works for you.

Are you running Into Roadblocks? Here’s How to Bust Through Them

So you are all set to take charge and create a system for success. But even the best-laid plans can run into snags. Here is how you work around some of the more common obstacles:

I Am Drowning in To-Dos!

Don’t try to do it all at once. Start small. Focus on systematizing one area at a time. Remember, the time you invest now will free you up for more important things later.

Cash-Strapped and App-Less

You don’t need a fortune to get started. There are tons of accessible and affordable tools out there. Use what you have now and upgrade as your business grows. Consider bartering services or asking friends and family for help.

Feeling Overwhelmed and Lost

It’s normal to feel like you’re always stuck in this phase. Track it for a week to see where your time is going. Note things you’re doing over and over or doing that suck the energy right out of you. Choose one small area to systematize first, then build on your wins.

Becoming a Lazy Robot?

Systems are meant to free up your energy, not replace you entirely. Use the extra brainpower to focus on creative, strategic work that moves the needle in your business.

Old Habits Die Hard

Focus on little and consistent changes instead of extensive makeovers. Creating accountability helps new habits stick. Schedule constant check-ins to review what you have been doing and what might need changing.

Remember, this is a journey, not a destination. When you combine the power of creation with robust systems, you can transform your business and crush your goals.

The Winning Formula: Creation + Systems = Success

If you can harness the power of creation and put innovative systems into place, a cascade of positive effects can be unlocked that propels you forward:

Momentum Machine

Small, consistent actions fueled by a creation mindset snowball over time, driving you steadily towards your goals.

Decision-Free Zone

The appropriate systems automate routine work, freeing your mental reserves for critical decisions that can have a considerable impact.

Bounce Back Like a Boss

A creation mindset combined with effective systems increases your resilience, letting you ride the waves and recover quickly when things don’t go your way.

Laser Focus

With the routine running smoothly in the background, you can better focus on high-impact activities and strategic planning.

Wellbeing Wins

When you regain control of your time and energy, stress will melt away, and there will be a general uplift in well-being.

Goal-Crushing Speed

The potent combination of consistent creation and sleek systems turbocharges your speed to crush more goals faster toward realizing your dreams.

This way, you get to work smart, not hard. You’ll be performing at the top of your game, with the creativity and focus that will let you own your business and flourish in life.


You’re not stuck; you are a force of nature, a potent creative powerhouse ready to unleash a wave of unstoppable innovation. You can create your reality, not just think about it. The power of creation allows you to build intelligent systems — to shatter feelings of being overwhelmed and just explode into action.

This isn’t just about efficiency, this is domination. The world needs your uniqueness, and robust systems will have you bringing them into being quicker than you ever thought was possible.

And remember, it’s a journey. Every step you take, from each creative sparkle to each system that’s set out, is one more brick on the way to a life that embodies nothing but unstoppable momentum, epic fulfillment, and profound impact on the world. So what are you waiting for? Embrace your power. Create. Systematize. Conquer. The world awaits your brilliance.

