Love Letters to My Soul

Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes
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3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Healing the Father Wound Through Relational Spirituality

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Good Morning Wonderful People,

2020 has been a whirlwind. Many of us have suffered what seems like insurmountable losses. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a job, financial security or psychological well being, all of us have been affected.

In times of great change, it can feel like we are being forced to transform before we are ready. I am a Taurus with many fixed planets in my chart. Stubborn should be my middle name! Yet, 2020 was a profoundly important year for my personal development and the development of my skills as an author.

In 2019, I wrote the manuscript for Toxic Insecurity (which will be released on April 26th and I will let you know when you can pre-order the book). I spent most of the time in Buenos Aires, Argentina trying to understand why it felt like my life fell apart and why my body was, all of a sudden, not cooperating. Somehow I made it through 2019 with a completed product and started January 2020 not only with hope in my career but hope that I would find love.

You see, Toxic Insecurity is the book that I teach how I healed myself through my relationships and discovered the concept of relational spirituality.

Well, the Universe had another plan and pushed me further. I spent 2020 in Vancouver, Canada dealing with at Twin Flame activation that was so confusing and intense that I was forced to do my most profound healing work to date. It should be noted that with all my scientific training, I did not believe what was happening until I was forced to surrender that it was. A true Twin Flame experience is about your awakening and ascension. Not rainbows and unicorns!

I also fell in love with letter writing again. I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters that I used to letter write as a child. So in those moments when I had no idea what was going on, I took my journal or my phone and sat by the beach to write this person a love letter.

One year later, the culmination of those letters has been released into a short book called, Love Letters to My Soul. It is available for pre-purchase now.

Available for pre-order on Amazon and will be available Friday on my website

It is my sincere hope that such a book reminds us that even those people who show up and seem to do all kinds of ridiculous things, really are just another soul trying to figure this world out. We can choose love and kindness rather than punishment when people are on a journey that does not coincide with ours (in the present moment).

It is also my hope that I spread the world that just because you have an intellectual understanding of relationships does not mean you have all the answers. The past few decades has seen a rise in the “relationship expert” and very few of them encourage you to love with an open heart and look inside before calling someone else a narcissist, an addict, a loser or whatever names we have for people that trigger our own shadows.

We are entering a time where we need to learn to be honest about our emotions and our feelings. Maybe one day this person will tell his side of the story. For now, I hope it encourages you to pull out a pen and paper and write an old fashioned letter — even if it is a letter to yourself.

A real love letter is made of insight, understanding, and compassion. Otherwise it’s not a love letter. A true love letter can produce a transformation in the other person, and therefore in the world. But before it produces a transformation in the other person, it has to produce a transformation within us. Some letters may take the whole of our lifetime to write.

— Nhat Hanh

Can’t wait to read your stories and letters. The world needs to hear more stories of love and triumph over tragedy right now.

With lots of love,

Dr. Jennie



Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes

Sex & Relationship Alchemist | Author & Speaker | Intuitive | Psychologist @jenniferbrhodes