Useful Resources for your Agile Journey: Issue 3

Ali Asl
Beyond Value
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2019

WikiSpeed Cars

Great talk by Joe Justice using Agile methods to manufacture cars. This video is from 2011 and is still relevant today as ever. They do pair building, use Scrum and Lean principles.

Developing Scrum Masters talk at Scrum Gathering Barcelona

Great video about the Scrum Master’s role, the video is from 2012 but still very informative and it has aged well.

I was in two minds as to whether to post this link or not as the quality of the video and audio is not great. However, the message is an important one so hopefully you can use the slides to help you catch some of the information.

Developing Scrum Masters from Proyectalis / Improvement21

The Hope School Agile Story

Seeing Scrum being used outside of software development is great. It has changed the lives of these kids, I would have liked to have seen more examples of their day-to-day activities or their use of Scrum Events.

Of course certification is mentioned in the notes of this video, however they could easily have gotten the same results without being certified. The Values and Principles of Agile and the Scrum framework has allowed a positive change in the school.

Why you should kill all your Agile-ceremonies!

Interesting experiment, I would have liked them to try this for longer than two weeks. Their findings would have been even more fascinating to read.

How to manage your career by following 70-20-10 Model

Less to do with agile but this can be applied to your teams; to continuously improve while delivering business value to their customers and staying motivated.

How Agile Killed Managers

Katy Sherman does a great write up on what managers can do to help boost their agile transformations. Or how they could end up abusing agile. Management is not dead and they need to come with you in your Agile Journey

Scrum Vs Kanban

I have seen about 4 article in the past few weeks titled Scrum Vs Kanban, have I missed something? I did not realise there was a war between Scrum and Kanban – they can be used on their own or combined to get the best of both worlds. Yvette Francino does a great job highlighting just that.

Manifesto for Half-Arsed Agile Software Development

As always I like to end my blog post with a funny item, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

