Putting it all together — Let’s serve a page from Play

Rowan Laurence
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2018

Part five of a series

So you’re going to need to return a Result. This is a Play Framework thing, you get a Request, you give the Request a Result, and it’s satisfied.

Here’s the charity controller, with the method to show the index page

Connecting the route

‘when a user hits this route, direct them to this method in this controller?’

Edit routes in /conf

Here we use both of the above methods. When / is called, return all of the results, and when you go to /donate as a GET request, redirect me to index, where I will again return all of the results.

Now you have a fully functioning Play application that does the following:

  • Creates an in memory DB
  • Creates a table called charity
  • Maps charity object to a charity table
  • Can query the charity table with all of the methods defined in CharityRepository
  • If you navigate to :9000 of localhost you can see a full index page of the rendered contents (I skipped the twirl templates, but they are in the repo under views)

Next >> Integration Testing with Play



Rowan Laurence
Writer for

Technical Director at Beyond San Francisco — Interested in all things digital, scalable software, collecting shoes and dance music