Validation and the Ideas Economy

In a world full of ideas, companies need to get better at validation in order to succeed.

2 min readApr 3, 2019


We increasingly live in an ideas economy. This is a world where across the whole landscape, corporations have invested strongly in the business of ideas. Innovation is no longer a siloed, ivory tower pursuit reserved for an agency’s most lofty egghead. Instead it’s now baked into the DNA of all organisations as they seek to gain competitive advantage in a world of accelerated change.

As Meg Whitman, CEO of HPE, puts it: “We’re now living in an Idea Economy where success is defined by the ability to turn ideas into value faster than your competition.”

So just how do we make sure that we can turn ideas into value? And how can we do it fast?

This is where validation comes in.

At Beyond we believe that we’re entering an era where validation is the key to business success.

It’s not enough to have great ideas. The real challenge is understanding which ideas to act on. That can sometimes mean embracing failure — but being sure to fail fast and move on.

Now more than ever as we enter an era marked by increased uncertainty, it’s vital that businesses understand where and how to invest their time and resources.

This is why we’ve put together our Ideas Economy report which is packed with provocative questions to help guide your thinking on how to get to good ideas quicker and more effectively.

Download it here and if you’d like to chat in more detail, get in touch with




We are a design and technology agency that builds world class products for the digital age.