Yes, the Network is still relevant: The key to Smart City success (Part 1)

Marilyn Jackson
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2017

When asked to give my definition of what makes a city “Smart”, I often reply with an answer that emphasizes the network infrastructure. It’s all about having a solid, robust, redundant network capable of scale and redistribution of capacity on the fly. Although many would direct their responses to the human capital or efficiencies gain, I’ve decide to stand firm on my response that it’s all about the network because I know that without it, the biggest of biggest visions will fall apart.

With data flowing from a myriad of sources, a secure, strong and resilient network will be key. It’s that reliability factor that predates the Smart City concept and goes back to that good old dial tone. Society has come to expect the network to be there, and for it to be functional, and for it to be reliable. It just has to.

With sensors being placed on everything and human beings becoming constant data collectors, networks will be pushed to the extreme. But there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done to achieve a truly Smart City. The sense of urgency that cities have adopted, has led to many proprietary and siloed solutions. Little to no consideration of the ecosystem as a dynamic, living being is applied. In my opinion, it’s a Frankenstein in the making. Think of what your app, database, cloud solution or mobile app would be without it. (Continue reading)



Marilyn Jackson

Tech Evangelist | Thought Leader| Blockchain Guru | 5G | AI | Wireless | Smart Cities | Tech Futures | Retooling the Workforce