Learn javascript for free — A requisite of the coding world

Alok Suman
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2021

JavaScript is like a mosquito of the programming domain. No matter which direction your head turns, it’s there(pardon my terrible analogy).

Being a developer is back-breaking work.

You constantly need to keep yourself updated with the new languages, tech, etc.

Learning one or two programming languages, sometimes, isn’t enough.

Game development needs one language, website-building needs another, and many more like that.

If you are here, chances are you have butted heads with a creature called JavaScript.

And now you want to know what it is.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language used for making dynamic and interactive website content.

It allows you to implement intricate features on your website like

animations, rolling texts, dropdown boxes, etc. If your webpage is doing anything other than

still images and texts, BAM! It’s 10 times more attractive.

It was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 within 10 days. I think he hated


It first appeared in Netscape, a popular browser at that time. It was initially called LiveScript

which was later changed to javascript.

Programmers, sometimes, mistake Java with JavaScript.

Java is a complex programming

language that is compiled but JavaScript is just a scripting language. It doesn’t even

require a compiler unlike its counterparts Java and C.

Why should you learn JavaScript?

People who know JavaScript are in constant demand. It has its roots in all areas of

software development, game development, app development, etc. It is a very handy skill to

have for a beginner as well as a seasoned developer.

  • Ideal of beginners

It is installed on every web browser today. Because of that, it makes the work of

novices very easy as they don’t have to set up a programming ecosystem. They can

just hop in start coding. JavaScript is one of the most approachable coding entries

you can learn. There massive online forums and communities that can help

the newbies if they are stuck on some code.

  • Ease of learning

JavaScript is an organic language to use. It is very easy to pick up and get the grasp

of. It turns intricate details into abstracts, which makes things convenient for beginners. In contrast to other high-level languages, JavaScript has more

naturality to it.

  • JavaScript is versatile

Miles away from being a one-trick horse, JavaScript provides a developer with the

skill set to handle any facet of application design. Want to work back-end? Want to

work front-end? JavaScript can help you do either.

You can also create desktop, web, and mobile apps. If you are interested in machine

learning, it will help you there as well.

  • Create impressive visuals and aesthetics

Building a web page and building a web page with interactive tools and eye-candy

aesthetics are two different things. It’s quite apparent that which one will look better.

(P.S. — Not the plain one)

JavaScript is so diverse that you use it to add animations,

spiraling texts, cool designs, interactive quizzes and minigames, maps, etc.

Businesses and clients want a well-rounded web page and a

well-rounded web page that is cool and fun to look at. If you know Javascript, you

can do all that.

  • Heaven-sent for folks vying for the gaming industry

Videos games are reigning supreme in the app development scene. It’s a big

business. Do you know what’s even bigger? The opportunities, if you know


The language’s versatility, visual effects, animations, interactiveness, etc., make it a

must-have for all the game developers.

  • Career options and potential will be through the roof

With an ever-growing number of businesses going digital, the demand for

programmers familiar with the well-known programming languages i.e. the

JavaScript has also gone up. According to this article, 72% of companies are looking

for JavaScript developers. Also, there is a growing demand for data scientists who are

well-versed in Python. Considering how every Python web app utilizes JavaScript,

the demand for JavaScript rise even more. Businesses and corporations are seeking

out JavaScript developers. The average salary of a JavaScript developer in the US is $111,419.

If you are vying to become a programmer with a rock-solid career, mingle with JavaScript and get to know it well.

Best tips and ways to learn Javascript for free

When you are an infant in the coding world, it can be challenging to know where to start

from. It’s very easy to go down the wrong path and waste your time and resources. I will give

you the 6 best ways you can learn javascript for free.

  • Don’t chase university programs

University programs are a no-go. Unless it’s from MIT or IISC, don’t opt for it.

There are a plethora of courses online available for free.

Just study with diligence. University programs will get you a few thousand bucks

extra for the initial years.

After that, everyone is on the same page. But if you are a spendthrift, I’ll make good use of it, I promise.

  • Learn JavaScript by writing JavaScript

Hands-on experience is the best kind. The optimum way to learn javascript is to write

it. The majority go with the books. That’s fine. I was no different. That’s how I learned

to code, initially. But if you really want to understand javascript coding, start with the

exercises. It doesn’t have to be a difficult one. Start with the basics. Then climb your

way up the ladder rungs.

  • Comprehend by examples

A very good way to understand javascript is by watching someone else code. Keep

an eye on how they think, what they do when they hit a roadblock. Find a

like-minded person for coding marathons. Create hypothetical scenarios. Ask them

what they would do if they have the same problem as yours.

  • Read blogs about Javascripts

Keep yourself updated by reading about javascript. Following 2–3 blogs that write

about javascript is very beneficial. Off the top of my head, 2ality, and JavaScript

Scene are two of the excellent ones I can think of. Give them a visit. Feel out for


  • Join an online study group

Online study groups are a great way to find study pals, new friends, mentors,

irrespective of your present skillsets. You can always go back and forth with your

mates regarding study materials, notes, queries, etc. Downside — no snacks because

it’s online.

  • Keep shuffling

Don’t be rigid with the method you have opted for to learn javascript. Changing your

style once in a while freshens your viewpoint.

Videos are awesome, but you need the practice to master them. Likewise practicing it

24x7 will only hardwire specific concepts and will leave behind coding knowledge

you could get from videos.

Places to learn Javascript for free

Free is always good, right? You can learn anything for free online. There are

numerous places you can learn javascript for free too.

I will tell you the best 5 places where you can do exactly that.

Free code camp is a nonprofit community where you can learn javascript for free.

You will learn coding with coding challenges, exercises, projects, etc. It will give you

a certificate upon completion of a course. That’s a cherry on the top.

You can learn javascript for free on JavaScript 30. It covers everything about

javascript from beginner to intermediate level. They teach you through the

application, talk about the why, the where, and everything. Developers and

designers who want a good command over javascript use the tutorials here.

It is one of the few places to learn javascript for free even if it’s your first time hearing

the word ‘javascript’. They start from scratch and go to the advanced level. And the

transition is very organic and will not feel rushed.

Learn javascript for free with Learn-JS.org that provides interactive tutorials to make

the learning fun. Students can run actual codes from the web browsers, students can try the codes without executing them locally which gets repetitive.


JavaScript is an absolute must-have of the coding universe. It’s easy to get the hang of and

is very versatile that will open countless doors for your career. Learn Javascript using the

best ways we discussed and use the free platforms to reap the maximum benefits out of it.

I’m gonna see you off with a very relatable quote on Javascript:

JavaScript is the only language that people feel they don’t need to learn before they start using it.

Douglas Crockford

