Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2020

What is Termux?

Termux is an amazing open-source terminal emulator for the Android and Linux environment. However, it is something much more than a terminal. Using Termux is like you have a Linux distribution inside your Android device. A minimal base system is installed automatically and additional packages are available using dpkg and apt package management, quite similar to Ubuntu or Debian.

Installation :

Open the Termux App in the Google Play Store and click on download.

What are the requirements for Termux installation?

1. Download Hacker Keyboard For Termux -Hacker’s keyboard.

2. Android phone (It doesn’t matter your mobile is Rooted or Non-Rooted)

Common Commands :

In Termux, it is recommended to use package manager pkg which is a wrapper for apt.

After installation, update and upgrade the packages that are pre-installed in the Termux by using this command :

pkg update && pkg upgrade
  1. Present working directory:pwd”
  2. List all files and directories: “ls”
  3. Move forward in directories: “cd storage”
  4. Move backward in directories: “cd..”
  5. Create a folder or a directory: “ mkdir folderName ”
  6. Delete a folder or a directory: “ rmdir folderName ”
  7. Copy a file from one to another directory: “cp files-name file-path”
  8. Move a file from one to another directory: “mv files-name file-path”
  9. List all packages: “pkg -list all”
  10. List all the installed Packages in termux: “dpkg -list”
  11. List all commands that you’ve used in termux: “history”
  12. Clear Screen: “clear”

Python and Pip :

Termux has completely switched to Python3. Python2 no longer has support. Now pip packages are also automatically installed with python.

Python3 and pip3 :

pkg install python

Text Editors :

Termux uses Nano as it’s the default editor. Other editors are :

1. Vim: “pkg install vim”

2. Emacs: “pkg install emacs”

3. Micro: “pkg install micro”

Storage :

By default, all files created by Termux are only available through the Termux session. To access files outside Termux :


Installing GitHub “Hacking Tools” on Termux :

There are a number of GitHub tools available for hacking. (Note: Some of the tools won’t work if the android device is not rooted).

  1. First, install git in Termux
 pkg install git

Install Tool-X :

Tool-X is a Kali Linux Tool installer. In the Tool-X there are 250+ hacking tools available for Termux. Any tool can be installed by a single click. Tool-X is specially made for Termux and GNURoot Debian Terminal. It is also available for Ubuntu.

2. Then, clone the repository of the tool in Git :

git clone https://github.com/Rajkumrdusad/Tool-X.git
Cloning the repository of Tool-X from Git

3. Change directory to Tool-X :

cd tool-X

4. Change mode :

chmod +x install.aex

5. Run shell script:

sh install.aex
Tool-X installed successfully

Termux Command Line Utilities :

Termux packages include several useful Linux command-line utilities :

  • Gnuplot: A mathematical graphing program
  • ImageMagick: An image manipulation and conversion toolkit
  • P7zip: An archiving utility for the 7-Zip compression scheme
  • UnRAR: A different archive tool for the RAR format
  • Wget: A program to fetch files over the internet via HTTP or FTP

Pros :

  1. Consistency: Linux apps that have been ported to Android require a user interface of some kind. The user experience on Android largely depends on how much effort the developer puts into it. Conversely, the Termux application is the same as the Linux versions, from keyboard shortcuts to how you install them.
  2. Compactness: The addition of Android code can cause some slim applications to become heavy. For example, an Android SSH client might be anywhere from 2MB to 12MB in size. Compare this to Dropbear, available in Termux, which weighs in at 396KB installed. Also, it provides an SSH server too.
  3. Timelines: Termux application is a standard Linux package that requires less maintenance. Access to new features is quicker with Termux on every update.
  4. Code Editor: It offers Standard Distribution of Programming languages such as BASH shell, Python (both v2 and v3 are available), PHP and Ruby.
  5. Open- Source: Termux combines standard packages with accurate terminal emulation in a beautiful open-source solution.
  6. Customizable.
  7. Secure.


Tools accessing: Only rooted android devices can utilize all the tools provided in Termux.

Alternatives for Termux:

  • Cygwin: Cygwin is a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows. Cygwin provides native integration of Windows-based applications, data, and other system resources with software tools, and data of the Unix-like environment. Supported Platforms: Windows.
  • MinGW: MinGW (“Minimalist GNU for Windows”) is a port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and GNU Binutils. It provides a complete Open Source programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native MS-Windows (x86) applications. Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Unix-BSD.
  • ConnectBot: ConnectBot is a Shell client for the Android platform. Its ultimate goal is to create a secure connection through which you can use a shell on a remote machine and transfer files back and forth to your phone. Supported Platforms: Android.
  • GNOME Terminal: GNOME is a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment. Terminal-Emulators allow users to execute commands using a real UNIX shell while remaining on their graphical desktop. Supported Platforms: Linux, Unix-BSD.

