Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2018

Dear Bezant Community,

Another quarter has come to a close and we’re pleased to share with you our Q3 progress report.

Q3 has been an important quarter for us as we focused our efforts on building our blockchain core and collaborated with some key players in the market. It was also a pleasure to connect with our community through our participation in global industry events.

Without further ado, let’s dive into key highlights of Q3.

Bezant offers blockchain-as-a-service for enterprises to build dynamic services and applications that operate on the Bezant blockchain network, enabling enterprises to power up their services with blockchain integration, and conduct their own token sales. The Bezant network also facilitates instant and decentralized payment solutions so all of the world’s consumers can easily access global goods and services using its Wallet and BZNT Token.

Our blockchain team primarily focused on building three critical components of the platform: wallet, transfer, and scan function. Check out the demo video below to catch a glimpse of the transaction process.

The Bezant Wallet is a crucial component of the ecosystem that Bezant is building. The Bezant Blockchain is a permissioned blockchain where partners and end users have to register by creating a wallet in order to participate in the network. A user can register for the wallet service with an email, and with that email the user can create and manage multiple subwallets. These functions are not native to the Hyperledger Fabric architecture.

The base currency of the wallet service is the Bezant coin. As the Bezant network becomes available to multiple partners to utilize our blockchain, they can also issue their own tokens and directly add their tokens to the wallet. The Bezant blockchain team is currently developing the adding custom token feature; this will allow multiple tokens to be added apart from the Bezant coin and we aim to finish this by the testnet which is set to launch in the Q4. We will share this detail with the community accordingly.

Transfer is the next step after having created a Bezant Wallet. The token smart contract enables the transfer function to send not only the Bezant coin but also the tokens that the partners have issued. The Hyperledger Fabric has a unique feature called the “Chaincode” and functions like the smart contract we all know. The chaincode is written in Go, Node.js, and Java(codes that a lot of developers are familiar with) and it prescribes the set of rules that enforce and facilitate a contract.

In order to prevent a user from making a mistake during a transfer, we’ve created a wallet function in the chaincode. The user’s wallet will be registered into the pertaining token and all the asset exchange that happens after it will be all recorded via the chaincode. When a user transfers an asset, then the receiver wallet address is checked prior to the transfer and if that account is not valid then the transfer won’t go through. Unlike other public blockchains where you could potentially send to an address that doesn’t exist, our features check the recipient’s address and then transfers.

The Bezant coin and token functions are in its final stage and we will share what we have developed so far in our demo video.

Bezant Scan is a function that is a crucial proponent allowing transparency, a window that allows users to see the intricate details on the blockchain level. With the scan, you can see all the transactions that have taken place and also view information in an easy manner. Our developers have built the core components of this feature where if a transaction occurs, user will be able to see the most recent transaction and block information and also view it on the graph by day, hour, and minute, in addition, we plan to develop a way for you to view the different nodes and the information with pertaining chaincodes for the issued tokens. The Bezant Scan is in its final stage and it will be available via our testnet in Q4.

Here’s a demo of the basic transaction flow that can be viewed via Bezant Scan.

We aim to have the testnet ready for the launch in Q4, along with that the Bezant Wallet and Bezant Scan to be operable and ready for testing.

Along with the development of our blockchain, we have also made good progress with our Content Platform. We have created a demo video to showcase the contents platform and to show you its features. We will show how to sign up as a Content Provider and then log in. Then, we will show how the Content Provider navigates through the admin page and then see how they can manage their apps. We will show a demo of how to register your application and then deploy it on the app store. Then we will access the app store and download and then make an in-app purchase. Lastly, we will show how the Content Provider manages his or her orders.

To bring our vision into reality, we are collaborating with IBM to build the framework for our blockchain platform that will provide end-to-end blockchain solutions for enterprises. We’re utilizing the Hyperledger Fabric that will cater to businesses that want to make sure their customer’s data and digital identities remain secure and private.

Hyperledger (hosted by The Linux Foundation)

We’re also now a member of Hyperledger, hosted by The Linux Foundation. Together with the Hyperledger community, we look forward to accelerating the development and adoption of blockchain technology in all industries, especially in emerging markets.

Tconomy is a specialized media that delivers news on the blockchain ecosystem, provide analysis on blockchain businesses and ICOs, to deliver reliable information to investors.

By collaborating with Tconomy, we will launch a commercial service based on blockchain technology.

SIX Network
On the other hand, to build a fairer, more secure, and efficient ecosystem, we’re collaborating with SIX Network to combine our expertise in the content, payment, and blockchain space to unleash creativity and empower global content creators using our blockchain platform.

Beyond Blocks

We sponsored the Beyond Blocks Summit in Seoul, the first annual flagship event in the city aiming to connect blockchain enthusiasts around the world. Our team enjoyed the opportunity to meet members of the community!


This summer we also participated in Gamescom and to connect with platform developers and payment related entities that want to integrate blockchain.

For further announcements or what we can expect in Q4 is the launching of the testnet, and alongside that we will host different bug bounties. We have another busy quarter ahead of us and can’t wait to share more exciting announcements soon. Until next time!

Follow our official channels for the latest updates


The Bezant Team



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