Bforbank : Android makers 2023 (1st day)

Bforbank Tech
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2023

Written by Ayoub NACIRI, Kais JAAFOURA and Raphael BENMECHTA

Android makers was held on April 27th and 28th. It was an opportunity to meet a very large number of enthusiasts of the Android ecosystem to discuss its latest developments through several conferences and live coding sessions.

Bforbank Android team at Android Makers 2023

We had the chance to attend many conferences presented by tech professionals from around the world, here we are some from the 1st day of the event.

En quête de perf: l’art subtil du profiling Android

by Pierre-Yves Ricau

It’s about measuring how and android app performs, some steps has to be followed to do detect weakness of a project code that makes an app less performant: Android profiling, Monitoring, Benchmarking

The demonstrate his vision, the presenter has made a change in Signal application to make it slow, then he started to measure it’s performance using Perfetto and Android studio profiler, to find which background thread is blocking/slowing down the running application.

Tauri / Dioxus : ces nouveaux frameworks Rust qui veulent faire du mobile

by Edouard Marquez

This presetation shed light on Tauri and Dioxus, two frameworks for building cross-platform desktop and mobile applications using Rust programming language.

Tauri is an open-source toolkit for building native applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Dioxus, on the other hand, is a commercial platform that builds on Tauri and provides additional features and functionality, such as debugging, analytics, and cloud services.

Both Tauri and Dioxus offer an alternative approach to traditional mobile app development, leveraging the speed and security benefits of Rust to create performant cross-platform applications.

And btw, Rust is recommended by NSA

Demystifying the test pyramid

by Xavier F. Gouchet

Presentation of the original concept of the testing pyramid created in the book “Succeeding with Agile” by Mike Cohn, it pros and cons and how it’s not very suitable for many practical situation.

The main idea in this talk is to get out test pyramid, and adapt it to fit your use cases.

Clean Code Base: Harnessing the Power of Android Lint and Custom Rules

by Sinan Kozak

In this prestation we can learn how to use Android Lint as a powerful tool to maintain our code base and insure in the case that this code growth all developers follow the same coding standards.

With these practices we can save hours of debugging by identifying issu earlier.

Finally we dive deep in custom rules to fit our specific needs.

Forging the path from monolith to multi-module app

by Marco Gomiero

For this presentation, they show how to go from monolith code structure to multi-module, and how to perform this by using a strategic way.

They use six weeks to develop new feature and when finishing this period, they always perform two weeks for preparing technical subjects.

By this method, they can optimize and add new modules in they project.

Also, with this practice they create an SDK for navigation in Compose.

Comment gagner en efficacité avec les file templates ?

by Jonathan Mercandalli And Marc Picone

This presentation take a look on the File template system in Android Studio and explains the benefits of creating your own template.

Through a quick tutorial we learned how to create a template automatically generating 3 related files:

  • A repository interface
  • A repository implementation
  • A Dao

You can also create Unit Test, UI, ViewModel Template… and share it to everyone for a more consistent and readable code. The possibilities are endless but avoid the pitfall of creating a template that takes more time to create than it will save you ;)

Discover with us the 2nd day of this amazing event

