From fast-food to BGL Tech: How I succeeded

BGL Tech
BGL Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2019

We caught up with Joel Homan, a SharePoint Developer in the BGL Tech team. After leaving school at 16 without many qualifications, he found himself faced with a common conundrum that so many of today’s young school-leavers have: so, what next?

Photo by Jatniel Tunon on Unsplash

Leaving school at 16 was scary, being faced with the real world and not having any real idea of the path I wanted to take. I’d always enjoyed computers and technology but wasn’t really sure what a career in the field could look like.

I started a computing course at a local college but after completing one module, I soon realised this wasn’t for me. It focused on the build of computers and the mechanics behind it, whereas I wanted to know how to build websites and make changes to the front-end user journey.

I was working in McDonald’s but I started to use all my spare time to teach myself how to code, basic skills at first and then used the internet to research how to advance those skills. When I felt confident enough in my abilities, I began to look for apprenticeships and vacancies, which led me to BGL Tech and my first ‘proper’ job.

I secured my place as a Junior Developer at the start of 2017. I knew my CV wasn’t going to stand out and my experience wasn’t right for the role. So, I shared the link to a website I had made at home and was called in for an interview.

I was told by the hiring manager that, although I demonstrated my skills in the interview, I also got the job because I worked at McDonald’s. Even though the fast-food industry seems miles apart from financial services, both focus on customers and rely upon resilience to perform well, coping in stressful environments.

Since starting my role, I’ve been learning new things and facing challenges on a daily basis, which is exactly what I wanted. I’ve learned loads since starting at BGL and I can see a clear progression path for me here. I also have the autonomy and ability to identify new ideas or projects in addition to our everyday workstream and work with the team to deliver them.

I secured a promotion two years after my start date, so I am now a qualified Developer. I’m really glad BGL Tech took a chance on me and could see my talent despite my lack of experience on my CV.

The company is great to work for. It promotes a flexible working environment which was really important for me, so that in itself is a huge benefit. Not to mention the subsidised gym, onsite restaurant, free parking, annual family Fun Days, bi-annual Awards Ball plus loads more!

I’m happy BGL saw potential in me and it’s allowed me to build a career that I can progress in.

You can find out more about the BGL Academy, which offers graduate and apprenticeship opportunities, here.



BGL Tech
BGL Tech

The tech team behind BGL Group’s Insurance, Distribution and Outsourcing Division and Group functions such as Information Security and IT Operations.