Secrets of a coding bootcamp

Four software engineers lift the lid on their apprenticeship experience, including three months at prestigious code school, Makers Academy

Louise Sambells
BGL Tech
6 min readApr 29, 2021


Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Makers doesn't just teach you how to code, it teaches you to think like a problem-solver, and gives you the coding tools to construct solutions to almost any issue.

We are four software engineers who have been a part of the Makers apprenticeship scheme provided by BGL and we’re going to take you through our experience from applying for the role, to what the bootcamp involves.

The apprenticeship timeline

Applying for the role involved:

  • A phone interview with BGL and one with Makers.
  • Completing a Codeacademy course on programming in Ruby.
  • Completing two online Ruby coding challenges.
  • Finally, a face-to-face interview, covering behavioural competencies and matchup.

Then began our Makers apprenticeship experience which has involved:

  • A three-month bootcamp learning how to code and think like a problem solver. Our weeks consisted of learning and practicing languages such as Ruby, HTML, CSS, and Javascript and programming concepts such as client side/ server side, SOLID principles. We worked solo, in pairs and mobbing and finished the week with a Friday solo challenge where we tried to complete a task that utilised the things we had learned during the week. The final six weeks consisted of three larger group projects which we demonstrated to the rest of the groups and colleagues from BGL.
  • A knowledge module exam on software development lifecycle and methodologies.
  • A Microsoft Vendor exam, we could pick what language it was on, for example:
  • Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3.
  • Programming in C#.
  • A portfolio of evidence of work that demonstrates 18 standard points such as; logic, UI, data, testing, problem solving, design, analysis, deployment, development lifecycle.
  • A five-day synoptic project in which we have to build a full stack project based on a specification.
  • A final interview to clarify any questions that the Chartered Institute for IT assessor has from their initial assessment of your portfolio, synoptic project or employer reference.

Four Makers apprentices share their story:

Joe: former laboratory technician

Joe Ball

After finishing college, I started working in a start-up laboratory at Norwich Research Park. This was a fascinating job where I had become the go-to for IT support. I was also enjoying coding in my free time, outside of work. Software engineering had always interested me — learning to build anything you can imagine and the opportunity to never stop learning was exciting. However, I didn’t know how to get into the industry and start my career until I found the BGL Makers apprenticeship.

I have really enjoyed the apprenticeship, every week I get to learn new things. I have worked across the front-end, back-end, integration, with the robotic process automation team, fixed cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and more! As strange as this may sound, I have even enjoyed the exams (I know you probably think I’m crazy now). But getting to spend a week building a full stack app during the synoptic project was a challenge that I loved. It helps that BGL has a strong culture and is full of friendly people who have supported me all the way.

I have now completed my apprenticeship and have a Level 4 Diploma in Software Engineering and It’s amazing to think how much I have learned since I started. I intend to continue learning as much as possible at BGL while also helping new software engineers going through similar journeys to me.

Sarah: worked with children with additional needs

Sarah Wade

Before entering this apprentice with BGL, I worked in a special needs school. This was a fantastic but sometimes challenging job which I enjoyed. After working in this profession for several years, I felt it was time for a change and began looking for work that would be equally challenging and involved. I had always had an interest in coding and working with technology, so I began to look at software engineering apprenticeships.

This is where I stumbled across the Makers apprentice offered by BGL Group. Makers is one of the top institutions for software development bootcamps, and this opportunity was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.

BGL Group’s aim for my professional development is to become a polyglot — (proficient in multiple programming languages). And right from the start at BGL, I was exposed to many different teams. I have worked on automating systems using Kryon, I’ve learned Mule 4 and Java. I’ve also had the opportunity to look at Golang and work with .Net/C# and PowerShell. All of these have been extremely valuable experiences.

What’s next for me is to finish my apprenticeship and begin working as a fully-fledged polyglot, preferably developing my skills with Mule / C# over the next few months.

David: former car salesman

David Martin

Before joining BGL, under the Makers Academy apprenticeship, I was a car salesman; a franchise manager for Dominos and an accountant. I had tried my hand at a few different careers but finally, decided to pursue the career I had always wanted to do but wrote off from a very young age — software development.

I was looking at ways I could get into the industry. I loved and came across BGL’s junior software development programme.

Starting with a three-month introduction to coding run by Makers Academy coaches, emphasis was put on learning the fundamentals of coding, with an introduction to coding principles such as DRY and SOLID, with an emphasis on self-learning and good habits to get into when trying to learn a new coding language.

During the academy bootcamp, I learned so much and the development hasn’t stopped since. I have now been exposed to JavaScript, TypeScript and C#, and am now gaining exposure to integration development, getting experience working with Mulesoft, and the occasional Java.

The amount I have learned in little over a year is hard to put into words, thinking back to where I was and how far I have come in such a short period of time, leaves a sense of fulfilment that’s hard to match.

The area I am most keen to develop in and gain exposure in next is the security side of development. During my studies for the C# exam, I found the encryption and decryption topics particularly interesting, I have always had a desire to work in IT security.

Brad: worked at McDonalds

Brad Plater

Before working at BGL , I was working as a crew member for McDonalds. I did this part-time whilst I was at sixth form studying a Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Application Development. Once I had completed my Level 3, I then worked at McDonalds full-time for a few months before taking time off prior to starting at BGL.

While on placement, I’ve gained experience in two main areas of the business. The front-end communities and the integration communities, working with languages such as .NET, Javascript, Mulesoft and Java. Not only this but having COVID-19 impact our working lives, I have been working from home since March 2020. Being an apprentice while working from home is difficult but the teams that I worked with were helpful and gave me all the support I could have needed to get through my apprenticeship.

Doing this apprenticeship has opened up the world of software and has allowed me to grasp a better understanding of the different routes I could take in my career. At the moment, my aspirations lie in becoming a full stack / multi stack developer — meaning I will be able to work across different areas of a web application, like either the front-end or the service layer. My wider aspirations are to eventually become experienced enough in different technologies to be able to write courses allowing me to help others in their journey to become software engineers.

