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3 min readSep 20, 2021


#AskTheDoc: How Montmorillonite Clay Outworks Competitors for Less Oil and Congestion.

b.glen Clay Wash is an Allure #BestofBeauty product.

Nothing really compares to the dread that comes with unexplainable adult acne.

From retinoid creams, prescription orals, and …toothpaste, humanity has tried it ALL to remedy stubborn, inflamed acne.

The truth of the matter is, your skin needs a gentle balancer to equal out it’s oil production and normalize its PH.

Montmorillonite Clay may sound too simple to be effective, however our skeptic minds were shocked when we learned just how powerful this supermineral really was for healing adult acne.

Dr. Keller, where does Montmorillonite Clay come from, and why did you choose this clay over all others while formulating b. glen’s Clay Wash and Clay Lotion?

Dr. Keller: “The clay mineral Montmorillonite was named after Montmorillon, a small town in central-western France, after its discovery in 1847. Actually, clay minerals including Montmorillonite, are found in abundance all over the earth today and have been used widely in healthcare as well as pharmaceutical formulations.”

“The wide use of Montmorillonite in health care products is mainly due to its versatile properties such as:

high adsorption capacity and unique surface area, ion-exchange capacity, colloid and thixotropy (the property of becoming less viscous when subjected to an applied stress, shown for example by some gels which become temporarily fluid when shaken or stirred), chemical inertness, swelling property, and, above all, low toxicity.”

“We chose Montmorillonite for b.glen’s Clay Wash and Clay Lotion because it is a purer form of clay minerals (bentonite) and has more effective formulation properties.”

Who should use products with Montmorillonite? Will it be too harsh for sensitive skin?

Dr. Keller: “Montmorillonite containing products are so versatile that everyone can use them.”

“I recently ran across a study that showed that Montmorillonite is more effective for, and more quickly improved diaper dermatitis than most other other topical agents. Montmorillonite has also been used effectively to treat dermal problems, such as contact dermatitis. In addition, it has been used as a base for other skincare products including sunscreens because it can stabilize zinc and help it combine with oil and water. So, it is effective for users very young to mature.”

What other products (and/or ingredients) pair well with products with Montmorillonite Clay?

Dr. Keller: “Because Montmorillonite is inert, and therefore doesn’t react with other chemicals, it is compatible with a wide-range of products. Our Clay Wash is an ideal gentle cleanser that effectively removes 24 hours-worth of dirt, oils and pollution particles. Clay Lotion can be used in combination with most products as an add-on to improve skin tone and healthy moisture levels.”

How does Montmorillonite Clay differ from products as a charcoal-based cleanser?

Dr. Keller: “Well, Montmorillonite is formed naturally by the weathering of volcanic ash, whereas commercial charcoal that is found in cleansers and other products is man-made by burning animal and vegetation substances (hard woods) and removing the water. Charcoal is essentially 99% carbon powder.

Montmorillonite has totally different and unique properties. It occurs naturally as a solid, earthy substance and is formed with three layers. The top and bottom layers are formed using silicone and linked together with the middle layer sandwiched in between. In addition to its use in skincare products it can also be used as a filter, binder, mild abrasive, absorbent, as well as a catalyst for greater results from the rest of your skincare routine.”

What other nutrients are found in Montmorillonite Clay that might not be found in a clay like Bentonite Clay (for example)?

Dr. Keller: “Montmorillonite is a major active component of bentonite and a multifunctional clay mineral with unique properties, such as swelling and adsorption. Ions and minerals found in Montmorillonite are magnesium, iron, lithium, oxygen and silicon, which are essential for balancing-out acne prone skin types.”

“Raw bentonite is composed of diverse mineral substances, such as quartz, cristobalite, feldspars, zeolites, and several kinds of clay minerals. Above all, the major component of bentonite IS Montmorillonite. The swelling and adsorption properties of bentonite are actually due to Montmorillonite. Purified Montmorillonite is necessary for the medical applications including Clay Wash and Clay Lotion, and it can only be obtained by purifying raw bentonite.”

Ready for a true transformation? Try b.glen’s NEW! Clay Wash for Body FREE with All Subscription Orders Through 10/1/21.




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