Celery Juice & Clear Skin: The Truth Behind the Trend.

Will Drinking Celery Juice Everyday Clear Your Blemished Skin?

3 min readFeb 4, 2021


Good old celery.

Remember, those long, salty stalks you would only ever look at before dipping them into some hummus or peanut butter during family barbecues?

Celery has made a comeback in this new decade, and it’s wearing a whole new shade of green. This juicy trend has taken the holistic health and beauty world by storm, first coming into the spotlight through “Medical Medium”, Anthony William. William notes the vast number of benefits that consuming celery juice daily has on the body, including:

  • Natural Digestive Aid
  • Eczema and Psoriasis Solution
  • Acne Healer
  • Inflammation Fighter
  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Bone and Teeth Strengthener
  • And even Cancer Fighting Properties, noted by William

Whilst all of the above sound like a miracle-in-a-cup to us all, perhaps b.glenish! took particular note of celery juice’s potential for clearing acne, and promoting glowing, youthful skin. But is celery juice just another new-age diet trend?

b.glenish! Editor, Brianna Dyer took this challenge on for herself, kindly blowing the dust off of her trustee juicer, and consuming [organic] celery juice on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, for 30 consecutive days. Her results are displayed within the text below.

Tried & True: Proven Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice.


That’s right. Organic celery juice is the elixir of youth!

Naturally abundant with Vitamins A&C (antioxidants), celery fights-off free radical damage, which may be a detriment to your delicate, youthful complexion. As much as we love the benefits of b.glen’s QuSome Retino A (Vitamin A/Retinol) and C Serum (Vitamin C) for topical applications, if we can consume youth-promoting elixirs, we’re all for it, too.

Clears Stubborn and Inflamed Acne:

One of celery juice’s most exciting factors is that it is touted to promote clear skin by banishing inflammation and active blemishes — and even helping your skin to heal acne scars. Celery contains essential mineral salts, as well as trace minerals potassium, folate, and Vitamin K.

While little scientific research has been shown, many people believe celery juice is effective to kill viral infections and bacteria within the body. This would mean consuming celery juices promotes an alkaline environment within the body, leaving no room for inflammatory acne to cause trouble.

Helps Curb Cravings for Morning Sugar and Caffeine:

While there certainly are eager early birds out there, if we’re honest, the majority of the population struggle with the first few hours of the morning. We often rely on a sugary treat and a big mug of Joe to get us going. The reality as many of us know, is that early-morning caffeine and sugar cause major dips in energy levels into the afternoon, and wreak havoc on the body in the long run.

Celery juice replenishes Hydrochloric Acid in the gut, which helps to regulate digestion and regulate imbalances which may lead to these cravings. When your energy is running low, your body may be sending a large amount of energy to bodily organs and systems, in order for them to process food, water, and various other substances that come into your body. Drinking one 16 oz. glass of celery juice on an empty stomach will give you a jolt of energy, and greater clarity than your favorite A.M. stimulant.

Ok, Here’s How to Do It (No Fancy Juicer Needed!):


  • 1 Bunch Organic Celery
  • ½ Cup Filtered Water


  • Blender
  • Cheese-Cloth or Nut Milk Bag
  • Large Bowl or Jar


  1. Thoroughly wash and chop celery into medium size pieces.
  2. Add celery to your blender, adding the water to help blend smoothly.
  3. Blend until all chunks are dissolved.
  4. Pour juice into a large bowl or jar, straining fiber through a cheese-cloth or nut milk bag.
  5. Discard fiber, and drink juice immediately for maximum absorption and quality.


**This article contains information thoroughly researched, as well as one individual’s testimony and experience. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, including acne and other cosmetic concerns. If you are facing any issues with your health or your skin, please seek advice and support from your trusted medical professional.

Read more on Medical Medium, Anthony William here.




Skincare, Elevated. Born in California. Rooted in Japan. Read more about QuSome Technology: https://www.bglen.us/abouts/qusome.html