Rock-Life, Beauty & Finding Fortuitous Fate.

Meet Musician and Entrepreneur, Jordan Michelle.

5 min readJun 30, 2021


Jordan in her home-away-from-home: the studio.

Jordan Michelle, otherwise known as rockstar oficinado, model, entrepreneur and activist has been crafting a storm in the music industry throughout the past few years.

Having recently announced the launch of a new beauty brand, b.glenish! sat down with Michelle to discuss her come-up, hardships, and her passion/secrets for true, authentic beauty.

Jordan, you’re a multi-talented artist, beginning to make big waves in both the music and entertainment industr(ies). How would you introduce yourself and your creative works to someone new?

Jordan: “Thank you for your kind words! I would say I’m a singer songwriter working on my debut pop rock album. I model (occasionally) and just launched my debut beauty brand, By Jordan Michelle with my first product, a mascara called Amplify!”

AMPLIFY by Jordan Michelle is now available for purchase

You are multi-talented. What drives you day in and day out to keep pushing?

Jordan: “Thank you again! I am so married to what I want in life. I know exactly what that is, and some days I am so excited and driven and other days it feels like I’m moving the ship forward with the anchor down. On those days, I have to actively care for myself. Whether it’s taking the day to feel my feelings and relax, speak to my therapist, make a gratitude list, hang out with friends, or whatever it is, I think it’s important to be gentle with yourself. I am so inspired and excited by what I’m working on though, so most days, even the bad ones, it’s harder for me to stop than it is to start!”

The entertainment industry, as we know it, consists of both shadow and light. You’ve experienced a fair share of both, it seems. How have these experiences helped you to hone in on what you feel is the best avenue for yourself?

Jordan: “I think that shadow and light are an equally important part of life. Sadly, there are people in the industry who want to take advantage of young female artists. There are also really good people with good intentions in the industry.

Sadly, sometimes the only way to learn is to get screwed over. No matter what, it’s always an opportunity to learn and to grow and lead you to the next place where you’re now wiser. As I’ve gotten older, I feel now I’m better at reading people’s energies and really being picky about who I let in, personally and professionally.”

When you have a tough day at work or in your personal life, what helps you lift your spirits back up?

Jordan: “Bad days happen, and sometimes rather than trying to blow past it, I think it’s better to sit with it and feel it so that it can move through you. Once the feelings have been released, then it’s more productive to fill myself up with the things that make me happy. Whether it’s writing a song, watching some stand up, having a glass of wine with my friends or boyfriend, listening to songs that pump me up, or journaling. Nothing is permanent, good days or bad. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that it’s okay to not be okay. You’re not supposed to be happy all the time, it’s very liberating to just say, “I feel funky, but thats okay, it’ll pass.”

We saw on social media that you’ve spent the last year quarantining with your boyfriend. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your life & career?

Jordan: “It turned my life and career completely on its head. I think we are all on some level having difficulty navigating our return to the lives we once knew. My life is 100 percent different than it was before. When COVID happened, I was a single girl, jet-setting, living alone and doing shows every weekend. Now, I’m living in a different state, with my now boyfriend and working on completely different projects.

So it’s a matter of navigating a return to life with a partner, but also figuring out how to manage everything and be out in the world after a year of not being allowed to. The highlight of this year has been quarantining with Rick, we managed to make a scary dark time really fun and sweet. Being stuck in the house with your best friend isn’t the worst thing, and as we get busier, I know we’re probably going to miss that time.”

We hear that you have a skincare brand in the works? Do you have a launch date in mind?

Jordan: “It just launched on my birthday, June 23! Available now at

As an e-commerce skincare brand ourselves, we love to help others achieve beautiful skin. However, we also believe that to be beautiful is not only to be beautiful on the outside, but also to be fulfilled on the inside, wellbeing and inner beauty are very important.

What are your own personal thoughts on the relationship between inner beauty (self-love, creativity) and external beauty?

Jordan: “I think it is probably the main component. There are studies that prove this but I don’t think people understand the gravity of it. Your stress levels, happiness, etc. contribute to your overall physical and mental health just as much as your skin care routine.. maybe more!

Having a healthy skin care routine is important and using great products (Such as both yours and mine ;) ) but fulfillment inside and self love not only makes your energy radiate, but I believe it makes your skin glow, it makes your hair shinier, so yes, I cannot echo this sentiment enough!”

Where can Los Angeles locals and visitors get to know you better, and find more information on your upcoming projects?

Jordan: “They can find more at or at my Instagram, @iamjordanmichelle!”




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