Sarah G. Buxton: Life As A Celebrity Working-Mom & Creating A Brand As A Survivor.

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6 min readApr 26, 2021
Buxton is well-known for her acting career, yet takes on many roles — from modeling, being a mother, wife, entrepreneur and more.

When it comes to spending time under the sun, California is home to millions of locals and tourists alike, who soak up the sun in a variety of ways.

And Sarah Buxton, multifaceted entrepreneur and actress, counts as one of them — enjoying high-tide surf, hikes, and rollerblading in her leisure time.

Buxton’s brand, TUTUblue was crafted from a challenge she had faced in her own life, with the diagnosis of Melanoma on 3 areas of her skin.

Building A Brand & Swimming With Sharks.

TUTUblue, UV-protective swim and outdoor wear, first appeared on season 7 of ABC’s Shark Tank. Buxton describes TUTUblue as a brand, “Equally mysterious as it is fun, fashionable and protective.”

After her diagnosis, Buxton wasn’t ready to give up her time in the sun, which she notes brings her peace and joy. With a young child at the time, Buxton began to visualize ways in which she could continue enjoying the outdoors — without having to worry about slathering on a greasy SPF.

“I initially launched the brand in 2015, and I felt ready to present myself to the Sharks. Because [TUTUblue] was so new, I didn’t receive an offer, but you gain so much exposure, advertisers began calling at all hours of the day.”

“None of us saw this coming when COVID happened… but it’s given me the opportunity to start all over again.”

An Extra Layer of Protection.

“The greatest inspiration I’ve had to keep pushing forward, has come from the mind-boggling stories, and emails I’ve received from people who have benefited from wearing TUTUblue. I’m a risk-taker to begin with, and if I can continue protecting people, nothing is going to stop me from continuing my way forward.”

Running a business which receives heartwarming feedback from your consumers, makes the troughs and challenging periods worth every moment. Remembering Buxton’s original inspiration for the brand came from her own health scare, we’re not surprised that the rectitude made a complete 360.

An Early Discovery in Aisle 7.

Buxton stuns in fluorescent yellow.

Buxton spent much of her youth in competitive gymnastics, which explains her envious agility, as she’s been known to cartwheel on the sand, and practice acrobatics in her leisure time. However, to her own surprise, she was approached numerous times in her childhood by entertainment recruiters, interested in helping her to establish a career as an actress.

“The woman who approached me actually lived in my family neighborhood, her father was a famous screenwriter, and my mother was familiar with her to an extent — — it was an opportunity which we could trust.”

“I worked tirelessly throughout high school, starting with a CBS series, Too Good to Be True, which unfortunately fell through, but everything changed from this time, forward. Something which supported my early start within my career was the fire that I had within me. I’m someone who has many dreams, as most people do, but I’ve never been afraid to take bold risks and fully step into and embody those visions that I’ve had within my mind and heart.”

Buxton doesn’t believe that there is one specific formula or hint of magic one must follow or possess to be successful within the acting industry. Instead, she would advise anyone who has had similar interests to focus their energies on perfecting their craft in every moment they can — as she continues to do so even during the seasons when cameras aren’t rolling. “There’s such a heavy focus today on portraying yourself this way & that way on social media…it’s useful when trying to attract the interest of recruiters, but certainly something not to get too caught up within.”

“For me at least, it’s not about the fame… it’s the creative expression.”

Preparedness Meets Opportunity.

“I’m still working throughout this time with COVID-19. I’ve been taking Zoom classes with some acting coaches who are incredible. So yes, having the agencies, the right headshots.. It’s all important. But where are you taking charge when it comes to evolving and perfecting your craft?”

Acting, Buxton describes, is much like staying in shape as a professional athlete. If you’re not working on some portion of your skill each day, it’s easy to become rusty, and fall off track. While the metrics matter, it comes down to staying focused.

Both Sunset Beach and The Bold & The Beautiful are where Buxton found her most substantial breakthroughs. She quickly became known worldwide for her sexy vixen, “love-to-hate” persona. “I remember being with my husband one weekend in Rome, and it was like all of a sudden, people started calling me by my character name(s).. “Morgan! Annie!” It was both strange and hilarious.”

“At this time, back in the States, I was having such a difficult time finding my next job and a new agent, but here I was in Italy, and everyone knows who I am. There were billboards everywhere for the show(s), it felt so different.”

B.T.S. Pranks By Johnny Depp & Feeling Comfortable With New Projects.

When I hear the words ’21 Jump Street’, immediately Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill come to mind. Clearly, I need some schooling on the classics.

The late 80’s series, where Depp found his first major break, Buxton starred shortly, playing the role of Trina. “Being a newcomer on set can be super funny, but it does help to break the ice. I remember one evening in my Vancouver apartment.. It was 3 A.M., and someone rings my doorbell. When I looked out of my peephole, all that I could see was the backside of two men’s heads. I was terrified”, Buxton laughs.

“I immediately called down to the first floor, and the operator had told me two actors from set were visiting with a gift. And as soon as I had opened the door, [Depp + Sal] roll in with trash bags filled with toys and pink flamingos, and they start redecorating the whole place. That was their funny way of welcoming me to the show.”

Sarah’s Secret for Timelessly-Radiant Skin.

Sarah, wearing her brand TUTUblue, feels calm and at home while surfing.

We can’t help but notice Buxton’s smooth skin, which seems to radiate from beneath the surface. We had to know how she approaches beauty, and looks after her skin from day to day.

“My routine has always involved an oil cleanser, because my skin does tend to be very dry. I’ll follow with a simple cleanser, serum and cream. I usually rely on the SPF in my makeup or moisturizer, because I’m just not a fan of the white tinted SPF’s. In the evening, I love thick facial oils, and I’ll often use essential oils, like Lavender for a soothing massage”.

“Interestingly, singing bowls and south baths are a part of my routine, I’ll give everyone in my home a facial. There’s masks, palo santo burning, sound healing… my husband and son absolutely love it. It makes me feel like I’m an esthetician or beautician at heart.”

If you’re following Buxton on social, [@sarahbuxton3], you might catch her doing some trapeze work, or spending time immersed in nature. “It probably sounds a bit corny, but I really do believe kindness and exchanging love is the core of the term beauty. I do think physical beauty — or the longevity of it, is simply a byproduct of the beauty of the heart, and how you choose to communicate with others. Skincare, to me, is treated as a form of meditation. It’s somewhere to go, to slow down and find stillness and silence.”

“There’s nothing you can’t do. If you’re dreaming of it, with the right resources, you are limitless. I wish I had studied business — that’s something we don’t have in our arsenal with acting, but there’s so many books, it’s possible.”

Find Buxton’s favorite moments on Instagram: @sarahbuxton3 and TUTUblue: @tutublueca




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