Which PATH to take?

Bhavana Chaurasia
Curious Mind
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2020

In the COVID-19 times, when we are trying to maintain physical distance with people as much as we can, there is one activity, which, I am glad that I can still do, is walking. I have this fantastic trail next to my house, where I go every day for an hour-long walk. It is my escape from the digital world, and it also gives me time to admire mother nature.

The trail next to my house

When I walk to this trail, I have two paths to take. One is the broad gravel road, if I take it, my journey would be fun, I can walk, run, jump, skip, or even dance, there is no problem at all. I can reach the destination without any trouble. But, there is another narrow pathway next to the trail, it is a broad boundary which is made to keep people safe from the creek, which is flowing next to the trail. I like to walk in that boundary because it is one of the ways I can full fill my adrenaline rush. Although on both rear ends, this structure is leveled to the trail, but, as you go further it’s height keeps on increasing. To be honest, it feels scary as well because on one side, there is a valley that leads to the creek, and on the other hand, there is this graveled road, so if I fall on any side, I can get hurt.

But, whenever I am in this narrowed path, I am super pumped up, I am focused, I have this enthusiasm to finish the trail. I take every step with full caution, always having full attention towards my next step. Also, I have to keep a balance between both my feet so that I don’t topple. Even, to be honest, the path starts seeming less scary when I am only taking one step at a time. Also, when I finish the trail, I feel super happy that I achieved something. But whenever I use this path, I do not have any time to admire the beauty around me. I can’t see the beautiful trees, nor birds and not even the beautiful sunset which I am super crazy about, the only thing that I see is my next step in the concrete wall.

I wonder I have an option of walking/running along with enjoying the beautiful scenery, but why I still choose the other path which is tough? I can’t even burn too many calories on that path because I am walking really slow and also the endpoint for both tracks is the same.

What is this other path giving me which the broad fun path is not? Also, is it really giving me anything, or is it just one of the assumptions in my head that taking a narrow and strict path is more rewarding. I have started feeling conflicted with these thoughts and looking for an answer. Could you please help me find it?



Bhavana Chaurasia
Curious Mind

Bhavana is a proud Cal alum, a critical thinker. She is curious to witness life from different aspects and share it with the world.