How to Succeed on the BHIRED Platform

isaac Marks
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2018

Hiring today is broken. Recruiters, who serve as intermediaries between companies and candidates, offer little value, while candidates and employers trying to find each other through job boards must wade through inactive or incomplete profiles and fake positions. This leads to major inefficiencies and friction along the staffing and recruiting supply chain, increases costs, and creates a long, cumbersome hiring process. BHIRED is changing all that, offering a hiring platform that stores and protects high-quality data on the blockchain while encouraging respectful, honest behavior from all parties involved.

BHIRED isn’t setting out to replace recruiters, but it does encourage high quality recruiting and promotes quality enterprise recruiters who take filling positions — and candidates’ time — seriously by reducing the amount of spam candidates receive. The same goes for candidates who, while on the BHIRED platform, can’t get away with submitting multiple copies of resumes for the same position, faking skills, or other misbehavior common to job boards. BHIRED fosters good behavior from both parties through a blockchain incentivization system based on BHIRED tokens (BHD).

It’s a new way of doing things — a better way. Are you curious as to how you, as a candidate or recruiter, can succeed on BHIRED? Read on to learn what you can do to thrive!

For Candidates

  • After creating your profile, be sure to biometrically verify it. Verification keeps scam and spam profiles off of BHIRED, protects your ownership of your data, and shows the many recruiters and hiring managers on BHIRED that you’re taking your job search seriously. Verification is also necessary to receive a BHIRED ranking and earn tokens.
  • Add quality information to your profile; this activity serves several purposes. Not only are you making it easier for recruiters to find you on the BHIRED platform through keyword and skills searches, but you’re also increasing your profile’s ranking. Higher-ranked profiles receive priority in recruiter searches and generate more tokens for their holders. Some rank-boosting tasks include taking cognitive and company cultural tests, uploading short videos to demonstrate your communication skills, listing hiring managers and other references, verifying your work and educational credentials, and completing technical or coding tests.
  • Accept viewing requests from recruiters and respond to messages promptly. Accepting viewing requests helps you earn BHD, and swiftly responding to messages demonstrates that you’re an active job seeker. Ghosting interviews and messages will earn you poor reviews from recruiters, which damages your overall ranking. Failing to stay active will result in your profile’s removal from BHIRED to ensure that recruiters are only browsing responsive candidates.
  • There are other ways to participate on the BHIRED platform that aren’t directly related to specific job openings but will help candidates boost their rankings and earn tokens. Candidates with specialized technical skills can join the Screener User Base (“SUB”) after they have secured a job. SUB members help recruiters and hiring managers — who don’t always have the necessary knowledge to hire for technical positions — screen candidates’ technical skills. Screeners earn tokens, reputation, and can become “Master Technologists.” Candidates can also permit advertising to appear on their profile, earning tokens in return, or can contribute to BHIRED’s social code repository which is the path to earning the “Master Technologist” title. Master Technologists help steer the BHIRED platform, teach virtual classes, and earn BHD tokens. SUB’s can also refer candidates on to the platform and refer candidates to job openings.
  • BHD tokens aren’t just crypto to exchange for fiat currency. BHD tokens can also be used to assist you in your BHIRED job search. Candidates can use BHD tokens to pay for independent skills verification services, take classes from third-party providers and master technologists, and offer bounties on code products.

For Recruiters

  • After creating your profile, be sure to biometrically verify it. Just like with candidates, recruiter verification is an important step that helps recruiters protect their data and identity, participate fully in the BHD token economy, and head off scam or spam behavior.
  • BHIRED will limit your interactions with candidates unless you’re associated with an open position, so be sure to create an open position or “associate” yourself with an open one (verified by the position’s owner) to contact candidates.
  • Keep BHD tokens on-hand at all times. BHD tokens are necessary to fully view candidate profiles, hire third-party candidate screeners, and purchase labor data to help you refine your search. Recruiters or hiring managers must also create a BHD success bounty that is attached to each position similar to paying for a job posting. When that position is filled, the success bounty is distributed among all parties who contributed to finding the right candidate.
  • Recruiters can buy BHD tokens on exchanges, but they can also earn them by verifying candidate profiles, marking candidates as hired or off the market, sharing anonymized labor data, and mentoring candidates.
  • On BHIRED, reviewing goes both ways. While recruiters must review each candidate they interview, candidates can also review recruiters and hiring managers. To get good reviews, be sure to communicate effectively, professionally, and provide quality feedback. High-quality reviews will improve your ranking in the BHIRED ecosystem, as will impressive closing numbers, supplying hiring data, and identifying geographic skills shortages. Higher rankings will make you more visible to candidates looking for jobs.

Traditional job boards involve lots of time-wasting, whether that’s trying to contact a candidate who is already taken, or responding to a recruiter who’s just trying to fill a resume quota. With BHIRED, everyone involved can get real value out of the job search process and walk away with the outcome they want.

