It needs to be said

Jonny Cosmo
Published in
1 min readNov 5, 2019

It needs to be said

Every day more men, women and children are dead.

And I’m not talking about sickness, famine, casualty or collateral of war

I’m talking about your family your friends your neighbours

I’m talking about suicide and you should too

In fact it should be so common subject it’s no longer taboo

If I can make a joke in jest oh so macabre about this cigarette leaving cancer in my chest

Why not that losing my job, my partner, a friend

Makes me feel as if I’ve no choice left

We need to talk about suicide

Because otherwise social rules get to decide

Which of my emotions I speak and I hide

Who I get to laugh with and who I can show that I cry

In school, in church, in work, in the pub

Tell your friends it’s okay, give them your love

We need to talk about suicide because

Deciding you’re own fate is something nobody should.

My nomme de plume is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others to win that battle if they themselves are suffering.



Jonny Cosmo
Writer for

My name is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others.