Jonny Cosmo
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2019


My reading for national poetry day event held at UCLan. The theme was truth so I decided to write about my truth, an indepth subjective view of my life with ADHD.

For those who cannot follow my words the trascript is as follows:
A. D. H. D.
Just four letters but they change how you think of me Once bright, eccentric, charismatic
Now you question my sanity Now you look at me as if to see a spanner in the works As if me an individual, different than you, from birth, in life, in experience, in thought — as is everyone, even most likely differently taught But four letters change all of that in a second and the exact thing that beforehand made you curious to know me now makes you uncomfortable because you wonder how they control me
What pills for my ills do I need to be subdued
How about just a hammer and chisel up my nose, clink, and you can bare me, am I scary?
See it’s odd to think that the exact tick that distracts my attention is the exact thing that also heightens my perception… I over think..
See because when I told you just four letters, your left eye twitched, you retracted your gullet, your brow raised-fell? I couldn’t tell because in that millisecond you caught it and then you faught the urge to tilt up your head and look down your nose at me but you did, I saw it, by the minimal degree your face showed a decree of what you now think of me.
But I’m used to it, it’s hard to understand what’s going on upstairs in someone else’s psych land, but every hand is still flesh and bone.
A. D. H. D. Sometimes it makes work hard, doing work, finding work, keeping work, finding work again again again again again again again, I need a sick day please, a chill day, a free from stress day, because its not easy to be me and for you I have to be this thing that beeps, submits, smiles.
DECLARE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH why so you can discriminate under the table against my will because you think I’m less able, unless PR said you need a token in the work place.
A. D. H. D.
That’s what they call it anyway, this one thing, my first diagnosis but I could tell you I’m also depressed and anxious, apparently due to stress from having ADHD but how does that mean my problems are any smaller. How bout we add dyspraxia in there, hey I’m epileptic too but just by adding to this list you now can’t resist to again and again change your view of me with each letter, you might think that I’m better off dosed, of locked up. You might feel empathy or are you sure it’s not sympathy, please do not pity me can’t you see for all its worth we are stood in the same room.
None of this makes me better. If it makes you then by all means follow through with your reactionary thought but a book is far better than its blurb. Astounding, couldn’t wait to read the next page, truely one of a kind. 1/5 went off on tangents a lot couldn’t follow.
A. D. H. D We’re all different. Even as new born infants. Can’t we just wait a little longer, read more than the cover, give at least the first page a chance, before we put the book back down judged at a glance.
A. D. H. Me.
A. D. H. We.
In a world where nobody can look up from their phone screens, constantly flicking through images, messages, articles and games. To resort back to our dwellings, or sitting with the family or friends, to again stare back at our screens, with another screen for background stimulation, because silence has become so unbearable. Only a maniac would tell a child, deficit of attention with energy and determination to match a jet engine has a disorder.



Jonny Cosmo
Writer for

My name is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others.