
Jonny Cosmo
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2019

A poem I wrote about the superficial society in which we live, I am trying still to come to grips with the world around me. Supposedly being ‘mentally ill’, I must conform to the superficial illness I see around me in order to be healthy and happy; this is not the case live to the beat of your own drum.

Different just like YOUR different

Hollow people with painted faces

No soul to fill the spaces

Beasts of desire

A smile for hire

Substances to give your life substance

Empty promises and broken silences

True charity is rare, judged by the clothes you wear

Tell me how you see a beautiful soul, if beauty is only skin deep

Your bedsheets Egyptian silk, in a dirty sack on the streets, a man sleeps

Idle minds and active digits

Keep your prodigy child distracted with a spinner fidget

Good people with no morals

But I was drunk it’s fine no quarrel

Lie to others don’t tell the truth

Keep your secrets under roof

Like to speak but never listen

Everyone is a rose, all I see is thistles

Rather not let go at fear of being alone

Sell your ass so your life can pass right before your eyes

Give years to your television, reality TV isn’t fiction

Tell me Nobel prize winners, tell me chart music fillers, tell me about celebs personal lives, forget whatever drives you to do the impossible.

As a child have dreams, grow up because they’re not plausible.

Tell me what scares you tell me about your fears

Less of the dark or death more people’s jests and jeers.

Have a belief have an opinion.

Fall under scrutinies dominion.

Don’t even speak if you have a religion.

Hate falls like rain.

From love comes pain.

Read magazines stay skinny.


Read books and then you’re winning.

Stay true be you.

Stand out of the crowd, stand proud.

Neither wolves nor shepherds sleep at the feet of sheep.

Meditate don’t procrastinate.

Shop for charity I promise you’ll gain more clarity

Wait and save, don’t spend and slave.

Feed your soul not your appetite

In moderation we claim true gratification

Stay off social media you’ll just get greedier, in fact social marketing is a better tool for business.

Your business is your own, remember that if you feel alone.

Speak to be known not to be heard, hold your tongue if its a filler word.

Smile brighter than the sunrise

And breathe in a sunset

I’m still learning I’ll admit to that

But get out the race fast it’s full of rats

Answer to you and who is your integrity

Why are we even listening to paper thin blow up doll celebrities

Trust scientists, listen to priests, Heck even listen to that dirty poor man sitting on the street.

Everyone you meet

Is another book

You just have to ask their story.

Face value, might as well behead that mask if it’s not too gory.

I could go on and on, but I don’t chase glory.

Memento Mori.

My nomme de plume is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others to win that battle if they themselves are suffering.



Jonny Cosmo
Writer for

My name is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others.