Weekly Report for Project of BHP Global Intelligent Computing Power Network (2021/4/12)

BHP Network
Published in
Apr 16, 2021

In order to continue to promote the development of the project of BHP Global Intelligent Computing Power Network, BHP made the following progress last week.

Technology development progress

1. Addition of the functions of batch transfer, real-time update of CID to file, GAS on query on-chain, etc. to the BHP GUI wallet; optimization of prompt and transfer functions.

2. Connection of DeFI contract of JS-SDK.

3. Test of the functions of authorization of the BRC20 contract, increase or decrease the authorization limit, etc. on the BHP2.0 testnet.

4. Organization of the flow chart of the BHP2.0 verifier drop penalty system contract code and test of the correctness of the function logic.

