
Devasis Sarangi
Bhubaneswar City
Published in
15 min readApr 16, 2015


~Re Building a Legacy~

“Juggernaut”~ReBuilding a Legacy~

Nabakelabara Rath Yatra, Puri, India

Jagannath Dham, Puri: An Opportunity to “Transform” an ancient religious city to a modern, sustainable and smart city still preserving its vast Heritage.

Mega events can transform a city. Forgotten neighborhoods get desperately needed make overs. Massive clean up efforts curbs smog and pollution. Transportation upgrades enhances mobility.

Yet for every story of a city cleaned up, there is another of lingering debt and disrepair. Only a few mega events live up to their full potential.

Even fewer deliver the promised long term rewards.

But for cities & nations that focus on both the immediate and the longer term, they do more than simply host an event, they “Build a Legacy”.

Juggernaut Car Wheel. Photo Credit: Devasis

Event: Nabakalebara Rath Yatra (Car Festival)

Date: 18th July, 2015, Saturday.

Venue: Puri, Odisha, India

Nearest Airport: Bhubaneswar

Nearest Railway Station: Puri

Nearest Bus Terminal: Malatipatapur, Puri

Rath Yatra after Nabakalebara is expecting a gathering of 5 million people. This is far higher than what you would see in a Formula 1 racing event. It is special for this holy city which hosts the famous Rath Yatra each year because it is the first one after Nabakalebara, a 5x multiple of yearly visitors this event draws.

If I have to name another mega event of this size in India it would only be the Kumbha Mela which most of you know by now, being covered as a case study by Harvard Business School and recently Kumbhathon being organized by MIT to provide tech centric solutions to address the problems of the mega event.

The best practices can be assessed at http://www.kumbha.org/ and I personally love the use of technology/app to offer safe and hygienic food options among others as I am a foodie.

A car pulled by Humans.

If you are wondering what is Nabakalebara 2015, you can read my article in the collection — Bhubaneswar City

I hope you will enjoy reading about Nabakalebara in pictures yet again and recommend to your friends.

Nabakalebara Rath Yatra 2015

Mega Event can bring about economic advantages. They bring great opportunities for construction of public infrastructure at a rapid pace. From public roads to public accommodation facilities, the influx of opportunities would help the host city’s economy in a great manner.It provides an opportunity to ‘create jobs’ both through construction work and services. A rise in patriotism & civic unity is easily seen.

A qualitative view is that hosting of mega event provides the opportunity to move international ‘perception’ of the city from third tier to first tier. The view also states that such event provides the opportunity to place unknown cities on the map and bring unknown cultures to a global audience.

Small Things First, Big Things Last
The core of branding a nation must lie in altruism, not only in economic gain. Put the interest of improving the health (both physical, psychological and emotional) of the local community first, and economic gain as a by-product of that. Everything should count to a community’s identity.

Mega event might be an opportunity to compliment this improvement of ‘national health’, perhaps as a celebratory moment / milestone to state/nation building, but a mega-event is certainly not a solution to any problem or social challenge. It most defiantly is not a legitimate form of communal revitalization in itself.

Focus on the ex-post, not the ex-ante
Focus on the hindsight is what the government committee should to take into account . Cities and nations that want to have a strong brand through staging a mega-event must focus 90 percent of their efforts on what happens post-event, and the ‘legacy’ of what is left behind.

For example, having a 20-year plan in place for Rath Yatra shows robust understanding by all that the journey continues long after the circus leaves town. Having a series of reoccurring smaller local events waiting in place to use venues vacated in the wake of the mega-event is a very likely solution to ensure infrastructure remains in use and become self-sustaining. These localized events should be publicized too, meaning either way; they would have taken place or have a high demand with or without the mega-event.

Reuse & Recycle and prepare for disposal even before construction
Focus on upgrading existing infrastructure. Existing infrastructure should supplement the mega-event, rather than constructing only new ones. Cities that were due to upgrade these venues anyway regardless of the mega-event performed the best.How will specialized equipment be used post event?

Do equipment go to other institutions within government bodies (i.e. School gyms, community centers etc.) or do they get privatized and auctioned off? Are materials used to construct temporary venues biodegradable and environmentally friendly? In order for the infrastructure to minimize cost, disposal or licensing of these infrastructures to private bodies must be factored in much before the mega-event actually takes place.

City branding cannot always be defined in a quantifiable way.

While the prospect of economic growth is the driving force of hosting mega-event, the legacies that follow their hosting are difficult to quantify, and are often not in terms of economic revenue. If we can quantify the
hosting of mega-event in the context of long term city / state / national rejuvenation, rather than immediate financial gain, the value of hosting mega-event is put into a correct perspective.

If public event help improve a city / state / nation’s emotional and psychological well-being so that citizens in turn feel a greater sense of empowerment and purpose to their lives, then it is very plausible that a mega-event is able to boost overall national productivity, or health in the work-force. We have seen how the Beijing Olympics have helped Chinese feel a greater sense of national unity and introduce a ‘sporting lifestyle’ to citizens, both of which continues till this day, years after the games have passed.

City / State / National pride and identity are not economically measurable qualities in themselves, but everyone will agree they are the lifelines to a city / state / nation’s overall reason for being.


Building a Legacy — Concept view — Devasis Sarangi


Basic sanitation is just that, a basic service, and an integral part of urbanization. Sanitation serves as a building block to improving quality of life, guaranteeing safe and healthy living conditions for residents. So lack of formal sanitation is directly connected to a myriad of health, environmental, and social problems.

India having embarked on a “ Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” we should take cue from this initiative and dig into the augmented funds available to improve the sanitation facilities which can become a nightmare with such a huge floating population for any city in a given day/week/fortnight.

Street Sweeping:

JUSCO in action at Bada Danda. Photo Credit- Arvind Padhee, IAS

JUSCO has been awarded the contract by the city to keep it clean.

What is however needed is street sweeping machines as seen in developed countries to cater to the sanitation requirements

Street cleaning machine at Tiananmen Square, China, Aug 2010.

Street Sweeping after a major event in Europe.

Beach Cleaning:

Puri has a pristine beach that never seems to end. A photographer’s dream. A place in the sun that warrants returning again and again.

It’s stretch of sand and surf offers a year-round retreat for art lovers, nature enthusiasts and beach-goers. The beach also hosts sand-art displays, including work by international award winning local sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik.

Puri does have a beach cleaning machine now, which has remarkably improved the sanitation conditions at the beach, considered filthy by international tourists.

Beach Cleaning Machine at Puri Beach — Photo Credit : Devasis Sarangi

The beach cleaning machine at Puri — Operated by Jagruti, part of the beach cleaning drive by Odisha Tourism Photo Credit: Devasis Sarangi

What is however needed is Beach Tech 3000 machines, with higher cleaning frequency too, as only a part of the beach stretch is covered presently.

Beach Tech 3000 machines is the need of the hour and higher frequency of operations will dramatically improve sanitation conditions for Puri Beach during Nabakalebara

Beach Tech 3000 machines cleaning a beach in europe.

And if you are keen on Stand Up Paddle (SUP), surfing and a banana boat ride you have the Ramchandi Beach near Lotus resorts and Ranger’s Adventure which offers a variety of water sports activities and also hosts the India Surf Festival every year in February.

SUP at Rangers Adventure Photo Credit — April


When a large floating population throngs an ancient city it is not possible and economically viable to build enough toilets to address the sanitary needs of this floating population.It is here that Pay-per-use Mobile toilets can play a really viable role and is a must.

In fact Sintex of India supplied the mobile toilets for the Beijing Olympics and similar kind of vendors can be asked to provide such to local entrepreneurs under special interest bearing (collateral free) loans from the PSU banks or using the recently launched MUDRA Bank schemes.

This would provide an opportunity for the local micro and mini enterprises plenty of employment opportunities and provide a clean and safe defecation facility for the tourists who throng the festival. A win-win situation.

Mobile Toilets in South India — Pic source internet

Waste Segregation & Disposal:

Segregation of waste and disposal of waste is a major challenge in mega events. People tend to be liberal with their waste and dispose it wherever they can creating a nuisance for fellow beings.

Having a proper and scientific segregation and disposal of waste can tremendously help in keeping a clean venue. This will also allow waste to be economically recycled.

Visually appealing Beach Bins at beaches of Mexico and Spain
Beach Dustbins for waste segregation
Intelligent dustbins can also be used to promote much needed announcements and event details as well especially on the Bada Danda venue. This was used in the London Olympics
Recycle bin suggestions for residential areas of Puri to segregate different waste types on the Streets Roads (Sahis)


Water ATMs:

Providing clean and safe drinking water to the floating population is both a great challenge and a mandatory task of the Government. Most of the diseases in such mega events are water borne diseases and safe and clean drinking water can effectively tackle such epidemics.

Water ATMs are a economically viable alternative to tanker waters which are normally pressed to service and a PPP model can be evolved with the Public Health Engineering Department of the state entering into an agreement with proven vendors to manage this activity. The State of Rajasthan has been effectively using this method and the similar method can be replicated without the need of reinventing the wheel.

Kiosks with reverse osmosis (RO) plants can been installed at key locations which can provide for a nominal fee of rupees five upto 20 litres of water.

Water ATM — Pic Credit — Deccan Chronicle

For smaller outlets cloud-managed, solar-powered, cashless vending ecosystem (Water card can be swiped) that enables availability of clean drinking water 24 hours a day at the very last mile can put up.

The water cards can come with an initial value of Rs.150 and can be recharged for a similar amount. Also small recharges of Rs.20 can be provided.

This makes the dispensers self-sustaining, with the revenue earned used by the water committee to meet the running expenses of the RO plant, such as salary of the operator, electricity and maintenance. The surplus money is used to undertake developmental work in the village.


Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) Stations at approach points:

Considering that we already have JNNURM buses operated on PPP model many of which are air-conditioned already plying between Bhubaneswar and Puri and a new Bus Terminal at Malatipatapur, what is needed is just a few BRTS bus stations near Talabania entry point and the Brahmagiri Road entry points apart from one at Satapada and Konarak to cater to city buses traveling from the Malatipatapur to these designated BRTS bus stations.

New Bus Terminal coming up at Malatipatapur,

Puri Outskirts (5Kms from Puri)

Dedicated flyover being built for the buses to travel from Bus terminal at Malatipatapur to Talabania Bus Stop. It would ensure that cars and smaller vehicles can travel comfortably to the city from alternate routes and the earlier main road can be used for VIP and emergency services like Ambulances and Police Patrol Vehicles.

What better than to replicate these beautiful bus stops presently in use in Curitiba, Brazil. These can come up in a short time of two month or so and would make it easier for the City to collect appropriate revenue (using smart travel cards as the JNNURM buses already are equipped with the required technology), providing necessary comfort to tourists, lower cost of construction, while beautifying the city looks and giving the transport system a modern touch of technology and wonderful ambiance for commuters and tourists.

BRTS Station -Curitiba; Brazil

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS):

The traffic for such a large event can be erratic and very difficult to manage. A nightmare for even the best staffed Police Department. But with a muti tiered Intelligent Transport System this can be made manageable and avoid both accidents and waiting time for tourists.

Proposed architecture of ITS at Site Level, Local Level and Regional Level
ITS integrated with CCTV cameras

Golf Carts & Electric Autos for the Elderly & Differently abled:

The distance to travel from Talabania Tourist Accommodation are to reach the Bada Danda by foot can be a challenge for the elderly and the differently abled. Provision to bring them closer to Bada Danda by Golf Carts and Electric Auto Rickshaw would not only help keep the atmosphere pollution free; both from noise and fumes.

Golf carts and electric autos to ferry the senior citizens

Tracks for Pedestrians & Cyclists:

Colour coded cycle tracks and multicolored / rainbow colored pedestrian tracks both within the city and on the highway will go a long way to ensure that tourists and people who use these modes of transport and both safe and enjoy basic facilities for this sustainable mode of transport.

Atleast 0.5 metres of cycling tracks (which are color coded so that they are only used for cyclists) would go a long way to encourage this mode among tourists. Locals also use this mode and it would benefit them as well.
Wide Rainbow colored Pedestrian Tracks on the main roads and ensuring some streets are only converted for pedestrian and cycle use would go a long way to make the tiny streets of Puri easy for travel.


Wayside Amenities:

While there is a wayside amenities planned to come up near Patnaikia called Jajabara on the Bhubaneswar Puri Highway, there is need to gradually scale up to provide for different segment of tourists. This would provide the tourists with a transit accommodation and also quality and economical food along with a play area from children.

Wayside Amenities (Conceptual View) — Budget
Wayside Amenities — Economy
Wayside Amenities -Luxury

Temporary Pre-Fabricated Accommodation & Tented Accommodation:

Maha Kumbha Mela had made wonderful arrangement of both Luxury tents and Budget tents to accommodate the floating populations and that should be replicated along the Sea beach and Talabania.

Tented Accomodation at Maha Kumbha Mela needs to be replicated at Puri to provide accommodation to the floating populations of Tourists.

Aerial View over the mini city created for the floating population of Maha Kumbha Mela — Photo Credit Gaurav, Flying Camera Productions

Temporary Pre-Fabricated Accommodation— This can be re-used after the event as a flower/vegetable market; vending zone or a small mall for the local community.

Preparing the Venue:

Bada Danda — Seating & Viewing Arrangement:

Rio Carnival of Brazil offers budget and luxury viewing and seating arrangements and similar should be replicated both for making the viewing experience comfortable and sustainable.

Various seating and viewing arrangements options for the Mega Event on the Bada Danda, Mega Event Street
Various seating and viewing options for the Rath Yatra

Such options for viewing and seating would fit into every local and international tourists budget and the process to be used would be an auction route to the highest technically sound bidder and also evolve a revenue sharing method with the building owners/tenants of the building adjoining the Bada Danda. This would be in uniformity and a win-win situation for the Government and the local community.


Proper visual signage for the facilities on offer and multilingual signage the important landmarks of the city and especially around the Mega Event Venue would make life easy for the tourists.

Innovative visual signage for Drinking Water Facility / Water ATM venue
Multilingual and appealing signage for landmarks of the city and Mega Event Venue

Even the Business Establishments & Shops on Bada Danda and the Beach Road require standard digital / electronic signage. The visual appeal of the Bada Danda was enahanced when the Government painted it with a uniform colour. We can further this appeal by “Uniform Digital Signage”.

Suggested Digital Signage for Business Establishments and Shops on Bada Danda and Sea Beach Road

It would also enable to listing easily on maps, guide maps and digital maps.

Street Lighting:

Bhubaneswar the capital city already has LED street lighting and that should be replicated at Bada Danda and eventually the whole city.

LED street lighting

Beach Beautification:

The beach proximity from the Mega Event venue and also as a source of entertainment need not be highlighted/ However the beach requires a little make over and small modern visual artifacts to spice it up and serve as a revenue earner for the city.

A little makeover of the beach can add a lot of visual appeal to tourists

A small rock gardern, a small children's park and a few brick & stone sculptures can add a lot of visual appeal to the beach

Souvenir Shop:

The souvenir shop run by the Sri Jagannath Temple Trust Information Centre in front of the temple needs a make over and needs to have a variety of souvenirs based on the mega events.

Souvenir Options — Few samples. Even Fridge Magnets, Hoodies, Tshirts, Temple replicas should be made available. ICC World cup souvenir options can be looked at to get more ideas.
Silver Filigree of the Jagannath Temple


In the long run, a brand that exists for the purpose of values rather than for profit will grow and flourish while the latter will wither and die. Same goes for a country / state”.

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The author can be reached at devasissarangi@gmail.com or +91–9437027782



Devasis Sarangi
Bhubaneswar City

Strategy & Management Consultant; Investor, Startups, Co-Founder, Little Steps Pre-School, Bhubaneswar, India