Bhuma’s Success at the RSA Conference 2023: Embracing LowCode Solutions for Security SuperApps

Mario Octavio Jiménez
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2023

We are excited to share Bhuma’s enriching experience at the RSA Conference 2023, where we presented our unique take on LowCode solutions for creating security super-apps leveraging Modern APIs & GenAI. Our session occurred on April 25th, at 1:30 pm, at our partner’s booth, Votiro. The conference was packed with enlightening discussions primarily around SSE tools, content security, XDR, and cyber resilience, but we were thrilled to add a refreshing perspective to the conversation.

As advocates of low-code solutions and modern APIs, we were eager to demonstrate how these technologies can be used to develop security super-apps. We genuinely believe cybersecurity’s future lies in harnessing modern technology’s power to build efficient, adaptable, and robust security solutions. Our session revolved around design thinking principles for security super-apps development, showing how to make modern, effective, and efficient security experiences.

Bhuma’s emphasis on low-code development is our guiding philosophy when creating intuitive, user-friendly applications. We emphasize the importance of streamlining application development, reducing the need for traditional programming, and enabling rapid deployment in creating security super-apps. When synergized with our low-code platform, modern APIs or standard REST can transform how organizations approach their security needs, making it quicker, more efficient, and accessible even to those without extensive coding expertise.

Our partnership with Votiro for the session was a significant conference highlight. Working with a team as innovative and forward-thinking as Votiro was a privilege. We are grateful for their support and the opportunity to share our collective knowledge with a broader audience.

We extend our sincerest thanks to everyone who joined us for our session. The interest and engagement we received were inspiring and a testament to the value and potential of low-code solutions in addressing contemporary security challenges.

We’re already excited about sharing our insights and innovative solutions at future events for those who couldn’t make it. Stay tuned for more from Bhuma as we continue to push boundaries in the world of low-code operational analytics.

At Bhuma, we are committed to democratizing app creation, making it accessible and manageable for everyone. Our experience at the RSA Conference 2023 reiterated our belief in the transformative potential of low-code solutions and modern APIs. These technologies are not just about security experiences but open a new world of rapid and efficient application development. We are excited about its possibilities and can’t wait to see where this empowering technology takes us next.

