GraphQL: The Future of API Development

Mario Octavio Jiménez
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2022

If you’re a developer, then you’ve probably heard of GraphQL. It’s been making waves in the API development community, and there’s a good reason for that! GraphQL is an efficient, powerful, and flexible approach to API development that more and more companies are using for their product development. This blog post will look at GraphQL and discuss why GraphQL?. So if you’re curious about GraphQL or want to learn more, read this article!

Photo by Douglas Lopes on Unsplash

GraphQL is a game-changer for API development because it enables developers to move away from traditional API development paradigms providing clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. As a result, your app can load data more efficiently and use less bandwidth.

For example, in the past, API development was focused on creating endpoints that returned data in a predefined format. GraphQL now allows developers to design flexible APIs that can evolve; This means that your API can be more efficient, and your app will be less likely to break when you make changes to your API.

Why GraphQL

First, it’s important to say that GraphQL is a query language, not a library, not a product, and therefore is language agnostic, making it easy to integrate into any project.

There are a few key reasons GraphQL is taking the API development world by storm. First and foremost, increasing multi-team productivity fosters rapid product development and improved performance for web and mobile apps, proven in many Fortune 500 companies, including Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Shopify, and the success story of GraphQL for Paypal. Read more about this at GraphQL: A Success Story for PayPal Checkout.

Are you working on a project with lots of legacy systems? Have APIs grown to a point where it is impossible to write them over to GraphQL? For both problems, GraphQL can help you unify and remove the complexity of existing systems so your new apps can talk to the GraphQL server.

GraphQL relies on a query language with a type system that serves as a contract between the front and backend, allowing teams to work independently and saving time with in-built self-documentation.

Using GraphQL also makes it cost-effective, saving time on training and onboarding, not to mention the exponential growth of the developer community.

In short, GraphQL:

- Reduces the need for over-fetching or under-fetching data

- Increases API development productivity

- Is easy to integrate into any project

- Unifies and abstracts away the complexity of existing systems
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! If you’re interested in learning more about GraphQL, I encourage you to explore some of the resources below.

GraphQL is an API development paradigm that is here to stay. So you should be if you’re not using GraphQL in your API development!


-GraphQL Official Website:

- The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQ:

-GraphQL for API development with Apollo Server:

-GitHub GraphQL API:

