
Every Paw Needs a Hand

Mahima Bhutani
4 min readOct 1, 2018


KTH Royal Institute of Technology

UI Design, Prototyping, Front-End development

Sketch, InVision

The App
A Mobile based platform through which the dog lovers who unfortunately can’t afford to have a dog could enjoy their spare time with other’s dogs. The dog lovers could help in care, handling of these dogs by booking time slots. They could even provide holiday homes. As we know that dogs are the most friendly creatures on earth this service was used for helping friends.The

Compawnion-app & webpage

Thinking of an innovative business idea to provide services to users by resolving one of their daily life problems. We as group wanted to provide comfort to provide comfort and relaxation to the users from their daily hassle.
The surveys and interviews depicted how the users consider dogs as a part of their family but still due to their busy work schedule they are unable to spend time with their dogs.The team decided to provide healthy environment both to those lonely dogs and people craving to spend time with these friendly creatures but unfortunately cannot afford one.

My Role
I designed the mobile based platform along with a website which was used by customers for registeration for the services by paying a minimal subscription fee. The designs were user friendly and attractive. The prototype was designed for user testing. On the business front, the business model canvas was designed for the investors to understand the services.

Name and Logo
Multiple names were pitched in by the team members like Hund(dog in swedish), Pawy, Pawny etc. all of them representing dogs or paw in some or other way. I pitched in the idea of using paw as the icon for our application. Finally, I designed the logo keeping in mind the friendly relation between humans and dogs.

compawnion-logo & icon

Business Structure
It was important to know about the problem and solution from business perspective as well. The business model canvas was designed to check the different stakeholders involved in the process along with the risks and challenges that the project might face from business point of view.

The support provided by the veterinarian, trainers and users at different ends helped me identify the risks, structure, system and their expectation based on which the business model was crafted for reference.

The Process
In the research phase of the project, surveys and interviews were conducted with different dog owners to know their opinion and perspective about sharing their dogs with other. Some interviews were conducted with Veterinaries as well to know their opinion of having one such community. It was found that people were willing to share their dogs as being alone at home makes them dull and feel lonely.

After receiving a positive response from dog owners and veterinarian, few dog trainers were consulted to have deep knowledge about the dogs, training available for the dogs, different breeds etc. Observing obtained information, another round of survey and interviews was conducted with people willing and desperate to spend time with these dogs or the ones who wants to own one of their own anytime in future.

Survey Results

Design Solution
User Testing was conducted with different dog lovers and dog owners on various phases of design solution which involved both low fidelity and high fidelity prototyping. The final design solution for the application was designed to provide users with a friendly user experience and the feedback was obtained.

Below is the final working prototype of Compawnion’s mobile application that can be used by the customers for both subscription and signing in to avail the services.


You can visit the website to get more info about the product.

