Repeating a chart dynamically based on a category in Power BI Report Builder

BI3 Technologies
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2022

This blog demonstrates how to loop a chart based on a category in Power BI Report Builder. It splits a visual into multiple versions of itself, presented side-by-side, with its data partitioned across these versions by a chosen dimension, similar to small multiples in Power BI.

Here are the simple steps that will help to get there.

Step1: Open Power bi report builder.

Step 2: To add a power bi dataset connection, left-click on the ‘Data Sources’ option.

Step 3: Select the required dataset that have been already published in the workspace and click ‘select’.

Step 4: To add dataset, right-click on ‘Datasets’ and select ‘Add Dataset’.

Step 5: Select the required data source and then click the option ‘query designer’.

Step 6: The DAX query must be pasted into the query designer. Here are a few simple methods to quickly get the DAX query.

Step 7: Open the relevant Power BI dataset and select the data that is needed on a table visual.

Step 8: Select ‘Performance analyzer’ from the view tab, then click ‘start recording, refresh visuals’, and expand the table by clicking the “+” sign.

Step 9:To copy the query select the ‘Copy query’ option.

Step 10: A popup screen will appear when the ‘Query Designer’ option is selected.

Step 11: Select the ‘Design Mode’ Option and paste the DAX query which is copied.

Step 12: Now modify the copied DAX Query to retrieve all data rather than only the top 502 records.

// DAX QueryDEFINEVAR __DS0Core =SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL(ROLLUPGROUP('Orders'[Category], 'Orders'[State], 'Orders'[Segment]), "IsGrandTotalRowTotal"),"SumProfit", CALCULATE(SUM('Orders'[Profit])))
VAR __DS0PrimaryWindowed =
__DS0PrimaryWindowedORDER BY[IsGrandTotalRowTotal] DESC, 'Orders'[Category], 'Orders'[State], 'Orders'[Segment]

Step 13: Change EVALUATE __DS0PrimaryWindowed to EVALUATE __DS0Core to get all records in the above DAX query and then click ‘Ok’.

// Modified DAX queryDEFINEVAR __DS0Core =SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL(ROLLUPGROUP('Orders'[Category], 'Orders'[State], 'Orders'[Segment]), "IsGrandTotalRowTotal"),"SumProfit", CALCULATE(SUM('Orders'[Profit])))EVALUATE__DS0Core
ORDER BY[IsGrandTotalRowTotal] DESC, 'Orders'[Category], 'Orders'[State], 'Orders'[Segment]

Step 14: Left-click the mouse on the white space and select insert->Table.

Step 15: Remove the two columns as well as the data row from the table.

Step 16: Drag and drop the field (based on which the chart needs to be looped) into the empty cell in the Row Groups window.

Step 17: After adding the series(Eg : Category column) to the Row Group, a blank cell appears next to it. Left-click the box and select Insert -> Chart.

Step 18: Choose the required chart.

Step 19: By clicking and dragging towards the table’s end, The size of the chart can be changed accordingly.

Step 20: When a chart is selected, a screen displays on the right side of the table, in which the chart data (Values,Category Groups,series Groups) should be entered.

Step 21: Click ‘Run’.

Step 22: The Chart will be looped by the field entered in the Row Group, and a report will be generated from it.

Finally the chart will be looped dynamically based on the field entered.This method allows to loop a chart based on a field, which saves a lot of time and effort compared to manually inserting charts.

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