Feeling Hangry? Go to Yummo

Bianca B.
bianca luz
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2018

Case Study


This project required me to make wire frames and user profiles for an app idea. I came to a solution by picking an app idea that would be able to help out a lot of people.

Context and Challenge:

For this app assignment I was asked to create an app idea and create wire frames and user profiles as visuals and guides to show what real life users would want. I was given one month to complete the assets as well as my case study. This assignment was for school but I feel that this would make a great app for real life users to use. The overall goal for this app assignment was to create an interesting app as well as show my skills.

Process & Insight:

It did not take a long time to find an app idea that I wanted to pursue however, I wasn’t as creative in coming up with the idea, as I searched online and found the one I used. The most time consuming part of the project for me was the user profiles, as I found it hard to create personalities that were different and able to be molded to my app idea. In this assignment I wanted to keep a minimal sleek design as I think it is a trending aesthetic. I tried to develop this look through the placement of my icons and my choice of colors.


To solve my challenge I decided that picking a food app would be a good opportunity as a lot of people don’t eat healthily and create a lot of waste. I took photos that were good quality and looked appealing to the eyes. I also tried to balance the screen with my icons and content. For colors I used white and orange for a fresh feeling.


As the creator of this app, I seemed to have some challenges in Illustrator, but I did my best and worked around my problems I encountered. This was good for me as I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better and understand Illustrator more. I think the app I’ve created answers a lot of the problems people face when cooking and deciding what to eat. This is shown well through my wire frames and my user profiles.

