
Bianca B.
bianca luz
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2018

Case Study


This project required a social media campaign be made and applied to 3 social media platforms. I came to my solution by picking an issue that can capture the attention of many.

Context and Challenge:

For this social media campaign project I was asked to create a campaign that speaks to an issue or world event. I was given 2 weeks to complete the assets as well as my case study. This campaign was for school but I felt that my issue, sweatshop labour, should be spoken about more online. Naturally, the overall goal for this campaign is to bring awareness to my issue though my work.

Process & Insight:

The process of finding a creative concept I liked didn’t take very long for me as it came to me through discussion. What took the most time was the actual design process. I wanted to keep a cohesive colour theme throughout my campaign so developing that and creating dimensions for multiple platforms are what really made up most of the design process.


To solve my challenge that I was given, I decided that doing something simplistic would be the best choice. I took photos that were quite colorful and used a white text on top to create my hashtag (#HowsItMade) for my assets. The photos I chose spoke quite well to the campaign because they are all related to sewing. Also because sewing is an image that can easily be linked to sweatshop labour, this and the hashtag together make it more effective.


As the creator of this campaign, I seemed to face some challenges regarding the usage of Illustrator, but I pulled through and figured things out myself. I feel that is important especially as I’m still learning how to work it. The campaign itself speaks well to the issue I chose to cover because of its overall simplicity and clarity, in regards to the issue.

