Few-Shot Learning vs. Few-Shot Prompting

Amit Yadav
9 min readSep 8, 2024


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Imagine this: you’re building an intelligent system — maybe it’s a chatbot for customer support or an AI model for medical diagnosis. Now, you don’t have much labeled data, but you still want your model to understand and perform tasks with precision. Do you train the model on just a few examples, or do you feed it a couple of prompts and let it figure things out?

This, my friend, is where few-shot learning and few-shot prompting come into play, and they work in fascinatingly different ways.

Few-shot learning is like teaching a student a new skill by giving them a handful of examples and having them practice until they “get it.” Few-shot prompting, on the other hand, is more like giving that student a few examples during a test, so they can infer the answer in real-time, without any extra practice.


So, let’s break it down.

Few-shot learning is all about training a model with a limited number of examples. Think of it as giving a student a crash course in a subject and then expecting them to perform well on an exam based on those few lessons. The model learns from these limited examples and uses this experience to generalize to new tasks.

On the flip side, few-shot prompting takes a pre-trained model — like GPT-3 — and gives it a few examples in the form of a prompt. No extra training needed. The model uses these examples as a guide to generate a response in real time, making it a more dynamic and flexible approach.


You might be wondering, why are these techniques suddenly such a big deal? Here’s the deal: as large language models like GPT-3, GPT-4, and even newer ones come into play, their capabilities are expanding at lightning speed. These models have been pre-trained on vast amounts of data and can perform multiple tasks without needing retraining. But there’s a catch: the more specialized the task, the more limited the data. That’s where few-shot methods are game-changers.

Few-shot learning and prompting allow you to make the most of your data and model without having to start from scratch. You can fine-tune a model with just a handful of examples (few-shot learning) or leverage its built-in knowledge using clever prompting (few-shot prompting).

Understanding Few-Shot Learning

What is Few-Shot Learning?

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “practice makes perfect,” but what if you could learn something with just a handful of examples? That’s precisely the magic behind few-shot learning.

In traditional machine learning, we train models with vast amounts of labeled data. However, in few-shot learning, the goal is to train a model with only a few labeled examples per task. You give the model a small set of examples — just enough to understand the patterns — and ask it to generalize to unseen data.

To put it simply: think of few-shot learning as a shortcut for models to become competent with minimal supervision.

Zero-Shot, Few-Shot, Many-Shot:

Now, you might be wondering, how does this compare to zero-shot and many-shot learning?

Here’s the deal:

  • Zero-shot learning is like asking someone to perform a task they’ve never seen before, with no examples. The model relies entirely on its prior knowledge to make decisions.
  • Few-shot learning, on the other hand, gives the model a handful of examples — say 5 or 10 — so it can quickly adapt to the task.
  • Many-shot learning is the conventional method where you throw thousands (or millions) of examples at a model until it learns.

Few-shot learning strikes a balance. It’s faster than many-shot learning but provides more context than zero-shot.

Core Mechanism:

So, how does this all work under the hood? Few-shot learning hinges on something called meta-learning — learning to learn. The model isn’t just learning about the task; it’s learning how to adapt to new tasks based on prior experience.

Imagine teaching a child how to ride a bike. The child doesn’t just learn how to ride that bike, they gain the ability to ride any bike. Similarly, few-shot learning models learn a generalized way of problem-solving so that they can adapt to new situations with very little data.

And here’s the kicker: meta-learning enables models to “generalize.” This means the model can apply what it learned from one task to solve new tasks, even when they only get a few examples to work with.

Use Cases:

Let’s make this more concrete. Few-shot learning has been applied successfully in several cutting-edge fields:

  • Computer Vision: Imagine a face recognition system that only has a handful of pictures for each person. Few-shot learning can help the model recognize faces it has only seen once or twice, making it useful for security systems or personalized experiences.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Think about chatbots that can learn to respond in new languages with just a few example conversations. Few-shot learning makes that possible without having to build a whole new model from scratch.
  • Robotics: Few-shot learning is also making waves in robotics, where robots are taught new tasks with minimal data. For instance, a robot could learn how to pick up objects it has never seen before after seeing only a few demonstrations.


But here’s where things get tricky: few-shot learning isn’t a silver bullet. While it sounds appealing, it comes with its own set of challenges.

First, model performance can sometimes fall short when there are too few examples to extract meaningful patterns. Unlike many-shot learning, where models become highly accurate over time, few-shot models have to be very efficient at generalization right off the bat.

Another challenge is generalization. Not every model can effectively learn from just a few examples. Some tasks are inherently more complex, requiring more nuanced training data, making it hard for the model to generalize well from limited information.

Key Differences Between Few-Shot Learning and Few-Shot Prompting

Training vs. Inference:

Let’s start with the heart of the difference: training vs. inference.

In few-shot learning, you’re dealing with a situation where the model needs to undergo actual training — even if the training set is small. Think of it as getting the model into a training camp. It’s like giving a student a short but intense tutoring session before they sit for an exam. You give the model a few examples, and it learns from those examples, adjusting its internal weights and structure.

But when you step into the realm of few-shot prompting, the game changes completely. There’s no training involved. Instead, you use a pre-trained model — like GPT-3 or GPT-4 — that already knows a lot about the world. You simply give it a few examples as part of a prompt, and it uses those examples to infer the solution during inference. It’s more like handing that same student a cheat sheet just before they start the exam — they don’t need to practice, they just need those few cues to jog their memory.


Now, you might be wondering, which approach is more scalable?

Here’s the thing: few-shot prompting is way easier to scale. Why? Because you’re leveraging pre-existing models. You don’t need to invest time or computational resources in training the model. The model is ready to go — it just needs a few examples for guidance, and you can deploy it across a wide range of tasks.

On the flip side, few-shot learning is more adaptable but requires heavier infrastructure. You’re training the model each time you encounter a new task, which means you need access to computing power and time. That said, this adaptability makes few-shot learning better suited for specialized tasks that demand high precision or domain-specific knowledge.

Use Cases:

So, when should you use few-shot learning and when should you go for few-shot prompting?

Few-shot learning shines when you need a model to perform well on specific tasks. Think of tasks in medicine, finance, or any other domain-specific area where precision matters. For instance, in healthcare, you might have a small dataset of rare diseases. A model trained using few-shot learning can help make accurate diagnoses despite the limited data.

On the other hand, few-shot prompting is your go-to when you need a model to perform generalized tasks. Large language models like GPT-3 excel in scenarios where you want quick adaptability. For example, generating articles, answering questions, or summarizing documents. You’re leveraging the general knowledge embedded in these massive models without needing them to learn a new task from scratch.

When to Use Few-Shot Learning vs. Few-Shot Prompting

Few-Shot Learning:

So, let’s dig deeper into when few-shot learning is your best bet.

You want to use few-shot learning when you’re dealing with custom, domain-specific problems that need precise, task-specific knowledge. For example, let’s say you’re working in legal tech, and you need an AI to understand contract clauses. Few-shot learning allows you to train a model with a small dataset of labeled contracts, making it highly tuned for legal documents.

Another case? When you need high accuracy with very limited labeled data. Imagine a scenario in biomedical research, where gathering labeled data is time-consuming and expensive. Few-shot learning helps models perform robustly in these specialized areas despite the scarcity of labeled examples.

Few-Shot Prompting:

Few-shot prompting is where things get more flexible and scalable. You’d use it when you need a model that can switch between tasks effortlessly.

Take content generation as an example. If you’re using GPT-3 to write blog posts, create emails, or even generate marketing copy, few-shot prompting lets you quickly tweak the output by adjusting the examples in the prompt. No retraining necessary.

Another killer use case? General-purpose language tasks. Let’s say you want to build a question-answering system across multiple domains. You can prompt GPT-3 with a few examples of Q&A pairs, and it will generalize from there without ever needing formal training on those specific topics.

Hybrid Approaches:

And here’s a little secret — sometimes the best approach is to combine both!

In hybrid approaches, you could start with a pre-trained model using few-shot prompting to get decent results, and then, for more critical tasks, fine-tune it using few-shot learning. This way, you get the scalability of few-shot prompting but also the precision of few-shot learning when needed. This hybrid strategy can be incredibly effective in areas like customer support, where general understanding works for most queries, but highly specialized support requires a fine-tuned model.


By now, you’ve seen how few-shot learning and few-shot prompting offer two distinct but equally powerful approaches in the world of AI. They might sound similar at first glance — after all, both aim to solve tasks with minimal data — but as we’ve explored, they each have unique strengths and weaknesses.

Few-shot learning is your go-to for customized, domain-specific problems. When you need precision and control, and when labeled data is sparse, training a model with a few well-curated examples can give you the power to solve highly specialized tasks. It’s a bit like sculpting: you shape the model to fit the task perfectly, even if it takes a little more time and effort.

On the other hand, few-shot prompting is all about speed, flexibility, and scalability. With massive pre-trained models like GPT-3, you don’t have to retrain the model for every new task. Instead, you provide a few clever examples, and let the model infer solutions in real time. It’s the ultimate tool for dynamic environments where adaptability is key.

So, which should you choose? It really depends on your specific use case. If you’re dealing with highly specialized tasks, few-shot learning offers the precision you need. But if your goal is to leverage the vast knowledge of pre-trained models for a wide range of general tasks, few-shot prompting is the way to go. And sometimes, combining the two approaches might give you the best of both worlds.

As AI continues to evolve, both of these techniques are likely to become even more powerful. New research is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with few-shot methods, and who knows — maybe the next breakthrough in AI will come from your own innovative use of these techniques.



Amit Yadav

Proven track record in deploying predictive models executing data processing pipelines,and leveraging ML algorithm to tackle intricate business challenges.