Rethinking my Lenten prayer discipline

Cory Howell
Bible and Prayer Book
1 min readFeb 12, 2024
Photo by Erika Fletcher on Unsplash

As I posted a few weeks ago, I was originally planning on following the ACNA’s Traditional Language Book of Common Prayer throughout Lent, with the 21st Century King James Version as my Bible of choice. But as we draw closer to Lent (2 days to go), I’m rethinking that just a bit. I’ve been enjoying weekday Morning Prayer with the folks at so much over the past couple of weeks, I’m now planning on sticking with them for my Morning Prayer on weekdays. For Evening Prayer and/or Compline, I can use the ACNA Traditional Language Edition, and on weekends…well, on weekends, I might just go where the Spirit leads. 1928 BCP, 1662 BCP, or my newly acquired Common Worship (the current prayer book of The Church of England) are all options for the weekends.

Knowing myself, this all might change as the weeks go along, but I do want to stick with the weekday Morning Prayer with my new friends at That has already become a treasured part of my weekday morning schedule.

Looking forward to a meaningful Lent!



Cory Howell
Bible and Prayer Book

Full-time dad & part-time church musician in the United Methodist Church; occasional blogger; fan of Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, language, the Bible, and more