Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them — Christian Morning Motivation #6

Bible Intelligence
Bible Intelligence
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2023

You can listen to this motivation on YouTube

Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we greet this fresh new day, bestowed upon us by our gracious Heavenly Father, let’s journey back in time to an ancient city and a towering project. Today, we’ll reflect on the story of the Tower of Babel, a testament to human ambition that was not aligned with God’s purpose. Throughout our conversation, keep this powerful phrase close to your heart: “Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them.”

The story of the Tower of Babel, found in Genesis 11, tells of a time when people wanted to make a name for themselves. They decided to build a tower that would reach the heavens. But this was not in God’s plan. Instead of building something for God, they were building for their own glory, their own ambition. And so, God confused their language, causing them to scatter across the earth and cease their construction.

The people of Babel were technologically advanced and united, yet their project was not for God’s glory. They were building towards the heavens, but not for the heavens. Remember, my dear friends: “Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them.”

In our lives, we too build towers. We build towers of education, career, family, and even within the church. But why are we building these towers, and for whom? Are we building for our own glory or for God’s? Is our effort invested in worldly acclaim or in serving God’s purpose?

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The structures we build in our lives should be grounded in our search for God’s kingdom, in our quest for His righteousness. Our focus should not be just on the height of our towers but on the purpose they serve for God. Remember: “Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them.”

Let us turn our hearts to prayer:

Heavenly Father, We thank You for the wisdom and lessons we find in Your Word. As we build the towers in our lives, help us to always focus on You. May our ambitions align with Your will. Give us the strength to build not just towards the heavens but for the heavens. Guide us in using our talents and resources to glorify You. For we understand that “Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them.” We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

As you go about your day, consider the towers you are building. Evaluate their foundations and their purpose. Remember, “Let’s build for the heavens, not just towards them.”

May God’s guidance, wisdom, and peace accompany you today and always. Keep building, keep growing, but always with God at the center of your plans. God bless you all.

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