This One Lesson From Captain America Will Change How You Deal With Life

Lex Christian R.
Bible Journal Online
3 min readJun 24, 2020

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Exodus 14:14

Have you ever been anxious, like extremely anxious?
Have you ever been depressed, like severely depressed?

Maybe you feel alone, and you worry about your future. Maybe your whole situation is bothering you that you feel there’s no direction in your life anymore.

I say this because this chaos, or this current pandemic, and these insecurities of our present life are too consuming for a person to bear.

Most of us, if not all of us, feel so uncertain these days, right?

What will happen?
When can we go back to the things we used to do?
Or perhaps the more appropriate question is, how do we move forward from all this?

While having a panic attack a few days ago because of all the worries that’s bothering me, I was surprised by a single line I said that made me realized a lot of things.

That line I said was:

“I can do this all day.”

I say this over and over again, while catching my breath until an image of Captain America was suddenly drawn inside my head. I remembered he said this line when we was beaten by Iron Man as he tried to save his best friend’s life. This is quite iconic, I think, and was even in the trailer of his movie, Captain America: Civil War.

“I can do this all day.”

While this might be just a phrase you say to mock your enemy, I realized this phrase also uplifted my outlook, and fired up all the hopes inside me.

You see, Captain America is known for not giving up. Even if something feels so lost already, he never back down from a fight. He faced his enemies head on, even if he knows the enemy is strong. He believes in faith, true to his virtues, and trust the strength of his people.

He is compassionate, and he is ready to bear things for others.

There’s a lot to his personality, but I think that says it all.

So relating him in our lives, and taking just one lesson from him, I think that can change a life. It did it in mine, really.

Whatever that’s bothering you, immaterial or material adversaries, you can always say to that, “I can do this all day.”

You can always choose to fight until your last breath. You can always choose to bear things for others, and stand true to what you believed in.

That is the lesson for us to succeed.

Not giving up, and proclaiming it in face of your enemy will give you a new hope and strength.

Realize this:
You are not really anxious. You’re just aware of yourself and your situation.
You are not really depressed. In your most vulnerable times, you are most open to love.
and You are never alone. Because You are with God.

In being broken, that is where God can shine a light on you and put your pieces together. You might be lost, yes, but Our God will leave a hundred for one lost sheep.

You just need to realize that in the moments where you break, that’s where God fights for you.

Yes, you might be complicated. You might be misunderstood. And you’re not ordinary.

But no one is too complicated for God’s love. No one is too far away, or too lost for God’s light to reach.

All we have to do is to be still. And like Captain America, say “I can do this all day.”



Lex Christian R.
Bible Journal Online

Starry-eyed. Adventurer. Storyteller. and Gaming Video Creator.