Reading the Bible: Exodus, Episode 4

Complaining Israelites; Crossing the sea

Shachar Oz
Bible Stories
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2021


​​Since the first day​ that​ I started thinking about the meaning of life and if there is a God, I knew for certain, that if I will witness one real godly miracle, I would stop everything I do and believe.

Each one of the magical events which occurred in the last chapter and in this one, even the minor ones (wooden staff turns to an alligator), would have been good enough for me.

Why do I tell you this? Because during this chapter the Israelites are showing disbelief 5 or 6 times, while miracle after miracle are happening.

They saw 10 magical plagues over Egypt, that didn’t touch them; they saw the Egypt army blocked by a huge cloud wall; they crossed a sea while fish are floating; they fought Amalek; they got food dropped from the sky each day; and above all, a pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire was constantly guiding their way in the desert, might and day.

I could have accepted this type of behavior from the next generation, who didn’t saw these events firsthand. Or maybe if the events could have been explained in a semi-reasonable way, back then. But none of these options are true.

The story of the chapter i​n​ brief:

The israelite​s​ people are released to make their travel, out of Egypt. This time, not for 3 day’s worship, but for good.

They take the bones of Joseph with them, as promised by the brothers. The rest are buried in Egypt still…

They travel in the desert, directed by a pillar of cloud walking ahead of them. They travel towards the sea.

God turns the hearts of the Egyptians, who now lost all their best slaves. And paroe decides to chase them with 600 riders.

The Egyptians arrive to a position to attack the Israelites. And the cloud pilar moves back between the two parties and creates darkness on the Egyptian side, and they can see nothing. So they stop at camp.

In this time, Moses lifts his hands and strong winds open up the sea in a way that allows people to walk on the bottom of the ocean. The people cross the ocean.

At some point, the Egyptians are released from their darkness, and start chasing the Hebrew into the sea. When Moshe lifts his hands again the water covers the entire army, and not even 1 survivor left.

Now we are introduced to the sister of Aharon and Moshe, Miriam. She leads the women into a party, plays music, and dances. Her husband, Kalev, and their son Hur, play key roles in the story to come.

From now the Israelites have nothing to lose. They are stranded in the desert following a pillar of cloud…

A few days later they ask to drink. Moshe hits a rock and starts a fountain.

few days more they complain about food. So god gives them the Man, which supposed to be a bird, but from the bible description sounds more like snow which was really tasty. ​​

Winning Amalek



Shachar Oz
Bible Stories

AR VR, Games & 3D Simulations, Computer Vision, Unity Developer, Instructional Designer, Emergent Tech Evangelist, Product Manager. MBA for Supercars