Bilam, Donkey and Angel

Reading the Bible: Numbers, Chapter 7

Shachar Oz
Bible Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2023


God changing his mind?

God said: “if they came to call you, go with them, but do as I tell you.” (22:20)

So Bilam goes with them, and then it is said: “God became angry that Bilam went…” (22:21)

how come god changes his mind so quickly, even though theoretically, Bilam did exactly as was expected from him?

the explanation is here:

apparently, God did not want Bilam to go. But since he insisted, eventually God allows him to go. in the same way that God confirms to Moses to send spies into Israel (in Parasha Shlah Leha). it was not because God needed spies. it was because the people asked for them.

the point is, that he did not really expected them to actually go with it. he thought that after receiving his confirmation, they would understand that they do not actually need to perform that action.

example: we all know that we can always arrive to eat at our parents house. so if you ask your parents “what would you cook for dinner?”, this means you do not trust the person who makes dinner, to prepare the things you like.
assuming that God is the one who makes the food, he obviously knows whats good for you. so you should not doubt what god tells you to do…
so if god asks “i can answer that question of yours. are you sure you would like me to answer it?”. actually, this is his way of giving you another chance of running away from a potential sin…
once you answer with “yes, I do”, now its your full responsibility.

so although Bilam was a really follower of god, he sinned in the fact that he actually went to visit King Balak.

Appearance of Satan

The jewish culture do not refer to the Satan as the other religions. It is not a brother of God, a son of God, definitely not as powerful as God. Satan is not even an entity. it is an action performed by angels. and we have such an example right here.

when Bilam rides his donkey we are being told this: “an angel went to ‘be a devil’ to him” (22:22). in hebrew this is a verb and not a noun. meaning, the Angel sent by God, served or performed a certain service in front of Bilam.

the idea is that Angels help us to improve ourselves. to be better. when we are in our most painful moments, we learn.

the other places that Satan is mentioned are:

  • zeharia: in the destruction of the temple
  • abraham: in killing itshak
  • jobe: one of the biggest stories. also here, there is an explanation why Jobe is being tried, even if he is a big believer, as we can see, it is not clear what was his sin. what he needed to improve was the fact that he cared less about people around him, and was very self centered. after that experience, he became more caring and open.

read the entire text (Hebrew)




Shachar Oz
Bible Stories

AR VR, Games & 3D Simulations, Computer Vision, Unity Developer, Instructional Designer, Emergent Tech Evangelist, Product Manager. MBA for Supercars