BiblePay PR: Canary Cry Radio interview + New “BiblePay show” episode!

New interview + YouTube show episode!

BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog
BiblePay News
1 min readJun 1, 2018


In mid-April this year, Togo and I did a radio interview for Canary Cry Radio. The interview was just published for your listening pleasure! Please see the Tweet which Gonz from Canary cry sent out.

Canary cry have over 2000 followers on Twitter, and over 9500 on FaceBook! This is great exposure for our cause!
It is amazing listening back to the interview and realising how much has changed with BiblePay in the last 6 weeks or so! For starters, we have around 50% more orphans sponsored since the interview, and this blog started!

Togo and I would like to thank the Canary Cry team for a great interview.

Secondly, 616westwarmoth and Togo just released episode two of “The BiblePay show”. Check it out below, and think about subscribing to 616’s channel!




BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog
BiblePay News

Hi! I am a team member for BiblePay: As of May 2018 BiblePay is sponsoring 329 needy children around the world!