Updated BiblePay Whitepaper Released

BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog
BiblePay News
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2018

If you are new to BiblePay, please check out my “What is BiblePay?” blog post.

The most recent version of the BiblePay whitepaper was just released on our main website.
Many thanks to the community member noxpost who did an amazing job making this document eye catching, informative, and very professional.

You can download the latest whitepaper here (pdf warning).

How can I help or be involved?
We are always looking for people who want to be a part of changing the lives of those in our world who are most in need. If you would like to support our cause we would love you to get in touch via any of the means listed below. Specifically, to help the mission of BiblePay you can:

a) Write to our orphans.
b) Help us to cure disease using BOINC.
c) Invest in BiblePay at one of our partnered exchanges SouthXchange or QIEX.
d) Propose work to help BiblePay grow (and potentially be paid!).
e) Share our articles and mission on social media.

Our website, BiblePay central website
Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Bitcointalk
BiblePay forum



BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog
BiblePay News

Hi! I am a team member for BiblePay: biblepay.org. As of May 2018 BiblePay is sponsoring 329 needy children around the world! LukeF@BiblePay.org