Are We Just Puppets and God the Puppeteer?

Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview
9 min readJun 27, 2024


What is the point of life if a supreme being has already decided all our actions before we were even born?

This Biblical Christian question has consumed theologians down through time. Is man free to make decisions that impact our life on earth and for eternity (Heaven or Hell) or are we merely stepping through a pattern of behavior that was supernaturally determined by God before we were even born? In very simple terms, these two extreme views are referred to as Free-Will vs. Predestination. When viewed alongside the logical consequences of these dogmas, they are typically contained within the theological positions of Arminianism vs. Calvinism.

Below, is a potential reconciliation between these extremes. However, this post should be viewed as nothing more than an overview, intended to take the complexity of an issue that has consumed theologians and put it into a form that can be understood by seekers. We always welcome comments, but please understand my goal was to offer an overview and an opinion (which could easily be wrong), not an exhaustive work.

3 Secular Definitions that are Far From Secular in Application

Predestination — defines the term as, “the action of God in foreordaining from eternity whatever comes to pass”. This short…



Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview

Biblical Christian Worldview challenging a deteriorating culture. USA follower of Jesus Christ. More at I respond to every comment on my posts.