Friday, September 16, 2022

Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview
1 min readSep 16, 2022

Jeff Hilles 09/16/2022

Homeless — The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that “S.F. pays $61,000 a year per tent to shelter homeless at city sites.” Further, “It was reported in May that San Francisco had also been providing free alcohol, methadone and medical cannabis to homeless people quarantining in hotels during the coronavirus pandemic.”

Crime — Per FoxNews, The Five, “the closure rate on Los Angles burglaries is currently 9%”.

Media Bias — Ken Berns, a controversial filmmaker, was discussed on Tucker Carlson. In the intro video Berns stated that immigrants are “weaponize human beings for a political purpose”, while discussing the small group that landed in Martha’s Vineyard. Carlson somehow interpreted that statement as “it’s literally, literally, just like the Holocaust”. A total misrepresentation of what Ken Berns had actually said on the clip. Later in the evening on the Fox Ingram Angle the video was expanded to hear what Berns really said on the subject, which was a warning, (based on his recent movie), that our country was headed toward internal militancy between factions. Many agree with that position as evidenced in a poll earlier this month.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

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Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview

Biblical Christian Worldview challenging a deteriorating culture. USA follower of Jesus Christ. More at I respond to every comment on my posts.