God Will Not Remain Silent

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
2 min readJul 26, 2024

Rejoice for all that you get to hear each day. And don’t fret having to repeat yourself. Just make sure your message is worth repeating.


Our verse for today comes from Philippians 4:4, ” Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice. “


I share a home with seven other family members, each possessing their own set of ears. To the casual observer, one set of ears in our house would appear to be as any other — symmetrically placed on either side of the head, proportional to the owner’s head size, identical in skin tone to the rest of the body, and perfectly placed to rest sunglasses or reading glasses on, as well as tucking hair behind. But the sixteen ears that I know best could not be more different. One set suffers from internal damage and is unable to process sound as well as it used to. Another set seems to have been formed with some sort of internal radar system, enabling its owner to hear almost anything from any distance. Some respond well to certain tones and volumes, while others seem to be at their peak based on the time of day and topic of conversation. And there are a few which seem to toggle back and forth, hearing all at times, and other times completely missing what was clearly delivered to them, as if they possessed a hidden switch and could turn their ears on and off. And so, as you might imagine with eight people living together, much gets said each day. Likewise, much gets repeated, for not everything gets heard. And even when it is heard, far too often is it not listened to.


God’s voice doesn’t speak directly to our ears, and yet He has so much to say to us. In fact, He has already spoken volumes to us. And in His love and patience, many times He says it again and again, despite the fact that we have surely heard it before. I am prone to frustration when I have to repeat myself for what seems like no good reason. Graciously, God is not like me. He’ll tell you He forgives you, and then tell you again tonight. He gives us cause to rejoice, and then reminds us about it shortly thereafter. And He doesn’t just tell us again because we didn’t hear, or forgot. He tells us over and over because that is His nature, His message, His way. He cannot be kept silent.


As we seek Him today, rejoice for all that you get to hear each day. And don’t fret having to repeat yourself. Just make sure your message is worth repeating.

AuthorRich Holt | BCWorldview.org

SalvationEternal Life in Less Than 150 Words



Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview

Writing devotions began over a decade ago and blossomed into a ministry that allowed me to examine my heart and share observations of God in everyday life.