His Spirit Lives Deep Within You

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
2 min readMar 23, 2023



Our verse for today comes from John 13:25, ” So that disciple, leaning back against Jesus, said to Him, ‘Lord, who is it?’ “


The essence of today’s scripture is pretty straight forward. Peter wanted to know who Jesus was talking about when He had said someone would betray Him, and so he motioned to John to find out. And sitting close to Jesus, John simply leaned in and asked Him who it was. That seems evident enough, and certainly not surprising. But what is unusual is to read that John actually touched Jesus. As intimate as the relationship was between Jesus and His disciples, as much time as they spent together in the short amount of time they had together, nevertheless the scriptures are not filled with instances where the beloved share embraces with one another. Unless you include Jesus reaching down to keep Peter from drowning, hugs of affection or touches of encouragement apparently were not part of their culture, or at least not among Jesus and His men. And so, how painfully poignant it was that Judas chose to betray our Savior with such a sign as a kiss. That delicate expression of affection and devotion soiled by the wicked deception of a dear friend. But that night at the table, John leaned in and touched Jesus as he sought the answer that was on everyone’s mind. His honest nudge served to evoke from Jesus the hidden intent of a heart within the room.


And so we see a sampling of what can cause us to draw close and touch the Lord. It may be to ask who is the guilty one, when we know we stand defenseless. It may be a desperate plea as the storms are about to consume us. But if we would see ourselves as the sick, lame, possessed, blind, and dead, those that Jesus touched and healed, then we would know that we are safely in His loving hands, regardless of the circumstance. His arms need not wrap around you, for His Spirit lives deep within you. And when you experience Him through His Word and prayer, you can get no closer to the touch of a loving Shepherd. So lean back against Jesus and find all the rest that you need.


As we seek Him today, love Him by drawing close to Him, and experience His love as He meets you there.

AuthorRich Holt | BCWorldview.org

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