Is Technology Isolating You from God?

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
2 min read2 days ago

Make sure you are using your time well and not just letting your time get used up.


Our verse for today comes from Mark 4:34, ” And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples. “


Over the last year or so, I have taken a few self-evaluation tests such as the Myers-Briggs personality test. And the amazing thing about these tools is how spot-on accurate they can be, regardless of how few or how many questions they ask. Now, the point of taking these tests isn’t just to put a label on things you already know about yourself. The real power in these evaluations is that they enable you to better understand why you react and behave certain ways and in certain situations. They help you anticipate and manage your auto- responses, with the end goal being for you to change for the better. One of the tests focused more on our interaction with others, evaluating the way a person worked with others, considering the number and depth of relationships that a person needed. The oddity among the group that I was with was that an unusually significant proportion of us tended to seek out few relationships. We were content to spend time alone, and in psychology-speak, we got our energy from solitude, whereas a people person generally gets his energy from being around others.


In considering this need for aloneness, I thought about the smart phone and its effect on our time. I think one of the evils that we have allowed into our lives with this particular form of technology is the constant influx of information, the relentless assault on our minds to find out, check in, tell someone, or pass along. I am convinced that Satan smiles whenever he sees someone send another meaningless text or tweet some pointless blather when they could be doing something much more productive. When someone thinks they have honored the Lord by posting a scripture or liking a friend’s status, while scrolling through looking for the latest gossip, Satan must chuckle over the blatant incongruity. I make no judgment on technology and social media. Rather, I say only that some things are received from God only through intentional time spent only with Him. And whatever is keeping you from that may not be as smart as you think.


As we seek Him today, make sure you are using your time well and not just letting your time get used up.

AuthorRich Holt |

SalvationEternal Life in Less Than 150 Words

