Is Your Name in the Book of Life?

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
3 min readJul 29, 2024

Consider reading a book about life here and forever over something else that might usually get your time and attention.


Our verse for today comes from Philippians 4:3, ” And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life. “


On Tuesday and Wednesday I had to travel for work, and therefore spent the night in a hotel. The trip and all its activities were completely and totally planned out for me already, so all I had to do was show up. The dates were chosen well in advance, the hotel was selected and reservations made, and the meals were even pre-arranged. I simply had to circle which item from the menu I wanted. When I got to the hotel that morning, I went straight to the front desk to see if I could go ahead and register, even though it was hours before the traditional check-in time. I thought there might be a chance the room would already be ready. As the clerk looked up my registration, I stood there with my few items, awaiting the news of my room. After a moment, she said, ” Mr. Holt, we do have you a room. ” And I couldn’t help but smile. For not until that very moment when she confirmed my stay did I even consider that I might not have a room. I knew the registration had been taken care of. My only doubt was whether the room was available at that early hour. I was wondering only if the room had been cleaned and pressed yet, while she seemed to simply be assuring me that I at least had a place to sleep that night. Fortunately, my name had made it into their reservation book, and I was not going to need to scramble and find a place to bunk for the night.


I believe the followers of Christ have their names written in God’s reservation book. I believe that because the Bible says it. What it also teaches is that the names of everyone else are written someplace very different, and that it’s only by God’s grace and mercy that a name is written one place rather than the other. If you’ve ever read your name in print before, be it a newspaper article or an online blog, you know the little rush you get from being singled out in public. But the next time you read anyone’s name anywhere, consider the rush that person could have if their name was written in the eternal Book of Life, and the unthinkable alternative.


As we seek Him today, consider reading a book about life here and forever over something else that might usually get your time and attention.

AuthorRich Holt |

SalvationEternal Life in Less Than 150 Words



Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview

Writing devotions began over a decade ago and blossomed into a ministry that allowed me to examine my heart and share observations of God in everyday life.