Protect Your Feelings for the Lost

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
2 min readJul 31, 2024

Consider your feelings for the unsaved, especially as compared to the other things that get your emotions going.


Our verse for today comes from Philippians 3:18, ” For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. “


In Major League Baseball this week, something happened that reminded many of the classic scene from the Tom Hanks film, A League of Their Own . In the film, Hanks’ character, Jimmy Dugan, manages a women’s professional baseball team during World War II. During one particular game, Dugan’s team, the Rockford Peaches, lost their 2-run lead because the right fielder, Evelyn Gardner, threw the ball home and allowed the tying run to advance to 2nd base, and then eventually score. As she came off the field, Dugan yelled at her as he pointed out her mistake, and she began to cry as he stepped back into the dugout. When he turned around and saw her blubbering, he famously said, ” There’s no crying in baseball. ” He then gave an example of the mistreatment he endured as a player, yet without crying, and summarily explained why he handled it that way. Because, ” There’s no crying in baseball. ” This week, NY Mets Shortstop Wilmer Flores heard during a game that he was being traded to Milwaukee. As the rumors spread through social media, the crowd gave Flores an ovation later in the game, and while Flores tried to play through the emotion, his eyes eventually welled up with tears. Apparently moved by the fact that he would be leaving the only organization he’s ever played for, Flores could not live up to Dugan’s dry-eye standard.


Some of us cry more readily than others. For me, having recently watched a sobbing father at a wedding attempt to toast his beloved daughter as she began her new life with her groom, I was reminded of what a basket case I will be when it’s my turn. But do you have tears for the enemies of the cross of Christ? I definitely don’t have them like I should. Are your emotions more of anger and frustration over the actions of the lost, or do you sincerely ache over their lostness and dire need of a Savior? They truly do not know what they do, for they are dead and blind. Do you have any tears that might help them realize that there is crying for joy in Christ?


As we seek Him today, consider your feelings for the unsaved, especially as compared to the other things that get your emotions going.

AuthorRich Holt |

SalvationEternal Life in Less Than 150 Words

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Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview

Writing devotions began over a decade ago and blossomed into a ministry that allowed me to examine my heart and share observations of God in everyday life.