The Pulse of America in brief — Media | Politicians | God

Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview
3 min readFeb 2, 2022

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Here are some statists to consider, without comment:

  • Gallup 10/21… Poll results showed 89% of Republicans, 69% of Independents, and 32% of Democrats say they don’t trust the media… the second-lowest trust level on record.
  • I&I/TIPP Poll 1/22… Poll results documented that distrust in Traditional Media Outlets overall, was 60%, while Republicans’ distrust level was 74%, Independents was 67% and Democrats was 44%. Alternate Media distrust was mostly lower. Overall was 65%, Independents was 72%, Republicans was 69%, and Democrats was 58%.
  • Ipsos 12/21… A poll of 2,345 Americans showed 80% believe that political hostility in the news media is “a serious problem”. Further, 65% believe creating more “accurate trustworthy, accessible sources of news and information would help bring the country together.” Seventy-six percent said they are “fed up with how people talk about politics at least some of the time.”

Trust in Politicians

  • Gallup 10/21… Poll results showed only 44% of Americans “have confidence in politicians, [an] historic low.” Only 2016 was worse at 42%. Broken down by party only, 34% of Independents, 39% of Republicans, and 64% of Democrats have a “great deal or fair amount of trust” in “people who hold and run for political office”.

Trust in Americans

  • Gallup 10/21… Only 55% of those polled had confidence in the American people, a record low since 1972 when they began this annual survey. Broken down by party only, 51% of Independents, 55% of Republicans, and 59% of Democrats have a “great deal or fair amount of trust” in Americans to “make judgments under a democratic system”.
  • Ipsos 12/21… The poll found that 66% of Americans believe that “more accurate, trustworthy sources of news would be most effective in bringing the country together.” Further, 73% believe that it would be a “good thing” if special interests had less political power vs. ordinary people. However, only 31% of respondents believe “it is likely to happen in the next 10 years.”

Finally, 17% of those polled felt that America should be split up between Democratic and Republican states into two separate countries.

Trust in God

  • Pew Research 11/21… A survey of 6,500 American adults found that 58% still say “they believe in the God of the Bible”. Another 32% believe in some form of god or spirit. Further, 73% of respondents believe in Heaven and 62% believe in Hell. Finally, 80% of Americans believe that the “sufferings of the world come from people rather than God”.


We are in a battle for the heart of America. More importantly, Biblical Christians are in a battle for the souls of our family, our friends, our coworkers, and our neighbors (Luke 10:27). Both battles will only be won through love, grace, and a willingness to peacefully communicate and understand each other. The first battle is temporal, the second is eternal.

Ephesians 6:12–13 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

  • Belt of Truth — Know what you believe and practice it.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness — Live in obedience and fellowship with Christ.
  • Shoes for your feet — Stand firm in your beliefs.
  • Shield of Faith — Trust in God in all circumstances.
  • Helmet of Salvation — Remember whose army you are in.
  • Sword of the Spirit — The Holy Bible, our only offensive weapon.

Jeff Hilles |

Originally published at



Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview

Biblical Christian Worldview challenging a deteriorating culture. USA follower of Jesus Christ. More at I respond to every comment on my posts.