Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview
2 min readNov 1, 2022

Daily Headlines on contemporary issues that run counter to a Biblical Christian worldview.

| Federal Abortion | US Losing Military Prominence | Late Night Liberals |

Federal Abortion — The Washington Stand — “Biden’s FDA Can’t Keep up with the Abortion Industry… This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publicly spoke out against abortion providers that have prescribed the chemical abortion regimen to those who are not currently pregnant, in the event that they desire the drugs to abort a future pregnancy… An FDA spokesperson told Politico, “The FDA is concerned about the advance prescribing of mifepristone for this use. Mifepristone is not approved for advance provision of medical abortion.” Mifepristone is the first drug of a chemical abortion, which blocks a mother’s flow of progesterone, thus starving the unborn child of nourishment until he or she dies. The second drug, misoprostol, then forces intense uterine contractions to expel the aborted baby from the womb.”

US Losing Military Prominence — Politico — “Better call Seoul: U.S. watches nervously as Europe turns to South Korea for weapons… Poland is spending billions, and other countries are expected to follow… The contracts for tanks, fighter planes and rocket launchers — all signed within the past three months — come as European capitals look to restock their warehouses after months of sending their own equipment to Ukraine. And Eastern Europe, which normally turns to the U.S. for new weapons, is increasingly considering buying from South Korea instead, which says it can deliver them faster and cheaper.”

Late Night Liberals — Fox News — “Conservative ‘outrage’ sells better than liberal ‘satire’: NY Times columnist on failing left-wing comedy… One New York Times columnist lamented how left-leaning comedians were struggling to attract audiences while conservative commentators were thriving, in a Tuesday opinion piece… The Times columnist also feared that late-night hosts were losing their audiences because liberals had lost faith in the direction the country was heading.

Jeff Hilles |, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit

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Jeff Hilles
Biblical Christian Worldview

Biblical Christian Worldview challenging a deteriorating culture. USA follower of Jesus Christ. More at I respond to every comment on my posts.