What is the Source of Your Fear

Rich Holt
Biblical Christian Worldview
3 min read4 days ago

Look into your actions and reactions for the fear that is holding you. Take that step of faith and let God have His way.


Our verse for today comes from Mark 4:40, ” But He said to them, ‘Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?’ “


It didn’t happen. Last week I mentioned that my eldest son wanted to go to the beach this past weekend with his buddy. They were either going down Friday to camp out and come back Saturday evening, or driving down for the day on Saturday. But his buddy’s dad nixed the idea. The mom was excited for them and this opportunity they had, but from the get-go the dad was hesitant. And as the week went on, he could not reconcile himself with the thought of the two of them going off on their own. And honestly, does that surprise anyone? I mean, how comfortable would any of you be with sending your 16-year-old son to the beach with another 16-year-old? We know of and can imagine enough danger and trouble right here in our own backyards to make the idea of sending our teenagers to the beach seem like lunacy. We remember what it feels like to turn loose of our child on the monkey bars, or to let go of the bicycle as they pedal themselves for the first time. We know that feeling in our gut when something’s not right or they’re not where they’re supposed to be, and God forbid there’s water involved. It’s fear, and it’s powerful.


Now, I was set on allowing my son to go, but it was not without some reticence at first. I suppose any decent parent would think through the notion of their child going off overnight to the beach, but eventually I came to peace with the idea of trusting God through that situation. That’s not to say that I’m better than the other dad, or that one of us loves our child more than the other. It’s not about me and him. And really, it’s not about me and my son. Because for me, it’s much larger than that. God offered me a choice, and my options were trust or fear. And what I’m learning, and what led me to consent to the beach trip quite readily, is how prevalent fear is in almost everything we, or at least I, do. Or should I say don’t do. And I chose not to live that moment in fear. Maybe today I’ll choose to trust again. I certainly want to.


As we seek Him today, look into your actions and reactions for the fear that is holding you. Take that step of faith and let God have His way.

AuthorRich Holt | BCWorldview.org

SalvationEternal Life in Less Than 150 Words

