
Finding the Ultimate Meaning of Your Dwelling Place

Mucsi Ferenc
Biblical Christian
2 min readNov 28, 2023


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

What is our home? It’s the place where we feel… Safe? Comfortable? Relaxed? Accepted? Loved? Yes, home is all of these and more.

To find the Biblical answer, let’s see the life of Moses, the man of God, and how he learned the most profound meaning of home.

For the first third of his life, Moses lived as the adopted son of Pharao’s daughter. His “grandpa” was the most powerful man on the planet in those days. Luxurious buildings and classy people formed the concept of home for the young man.

Then, at the age of forty, Moses had to flee because he killed a man. His next home was under another father figure, Jethro, the priest of Midian. Moses married Jethro’s daughter Zipporah, and they had two children.

As a young man, Moses was supposed to live the life of the privileged, with much power, goods, and servants. But when God called Moses from the burning bush, he kept his father-in-law’s flock. It was a completely different setting, both physically and socially.

After the burning bush experience, Moses had to go to the wilderness with millions of rebellious people. He was their leader, but the place was hot, dry, and unfriendly.

After all these dramatically different life situations, what was the meaning of home for Moses? We find the answer in Psalm 90. Moses prayed:

“LORD, YOU have been our dwelling place in all generations.”

GOD was his dwelling place above all other homes and life settings.

As God is the greatest of all, we cannot find a better home for ourselves than Him. When we walk with Him in His will, when we feel His love, acceptance, and approval, we have found our home.

God has prepared an eternal home for us with many dwelling places. What a comfort to know this! After Jesus died on the cross, He went home to the Father. If we follow Him, we can enjoy God as our home here, as Moses did, and we will enjoy our eternal home, as Jesus does.



Mucsi Ferenc
Biblical Christian

A committed Christian since 1981. Enjoying freedom from sin since 2008. Have seen God's glory in 2022. Loving the Lord and enjoying life with Him.