The Red Circle

Ivan Leo
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2019
Book Cover

The Red Circle by Brandon Webb is a riveting read from start to finish. Webb’s writing style is largely conversational, which is a great fit for the content of the book.

We get a thorough insight into Webb’s thoughts and experiences as he navigates his tumultuous childhood, BUD/S training and eventually the deployment in Afghanistan. As an individual, his work ethic and results are admirable, from redesigning an entire curriculumn to train better snipers to relentlessly looking for ways to challenge the status quo to get his desired result, Webb is a true Navy SEAL.

Personally I’ve never read Lone Survivor so when he talks about a lot of the stuff related to the book, it was unfortunately lost on me. It was particularly enjoyable to see small snippets of Webb’s own life thrown in like his nickname — Dirty Webb.

These small snippets humanized the man and gave an insider look into how he survived deployment in Afghanisatan and BUD/s Training



  • Easy to read
  • Conversational style of writing makes it easy to get into the story
  • Interesting and intimate look into the Navy Seals
  • Personal anecdotes are interesting and well spaced out throughout the story


  • Story is a little long for what its worth
  • It is unnecessarily draggy at points

Conclusion : If you like biographies with a military slant, this is probably a great book for you! Otherwise, it might be worthwhile to consider other books.



Ivan Leo

I write short pieces on whatever crosses my path in my daily life.